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Carmonie Love Brown- Monie

Next Morning 6:37 a.m

Damn my head fucking hurt I thought to myself. It felt like a bitch got knocked out with a log.

I noticed that I'm in a basement, because of the brown cracked brick walls.i could feel the cement floor which is cold as hell. Ionk maybe I'm smelling shit but it stank like a dead raccoon ass.

"Oh hell nah, dese niggas definitely don't know how to treat a bad bitch." I say as I feel up on my body making sure these derange niggas ain't touch shit on me.

Mann I miss my nigga, dis shit is ridiculous. Like who really took the time out they day to really kidnap me. Niggas is really crazy asf.

My thoughts were interrupted, when I heard a creaking noise which was the sign of the door opening. So I just pretend like I was still knocked out.

"You think dat bitch up yet?" I heard one of them tried to whisper.

Which he can't dumbass talk too loud.

I heard a smack, before one of em said " nigga shut the hell up, she can prolly hear yo dumbass."

I feel as I'm surrounded by 3 or 4 people.

As I'm controlling my breathing n my eyeballs twitching, I hear the door making dat cringey ass sound again.

I really pray dese niggas ain't tryna gang rape me, cs im not built for dat. I might say fuck it n kill myself afterwards cs who got time to deal with that type of trauma.

"Aye back tf away from her my niggas. Is she up yet?" I hear a familiar but unfamiliar voice say.

"Nigga be fucking fr you standing right dere so you tell me if she up or not." Another voice says, with a hint of a sarcastic in his tone.

"Nigga please, but boss want us for sum." The nigga that came in last said.

"Ight" they all respond in sync.

I hear all of them walking up what seems to be towards the upstairs. As I hear the door close, I open my eyes a lil but not too much.

Finally dem goofy ass niggas gone. I thought.

Damn a bitch hands was really sweating, so I wipe them on the pants I had wore to the fair.

"Hmmm I wonder what time it is." I say in lowly whisper. "Oh n who the hell kidnap lil ole me."

I just know my hair fucked up. A bitch stank, I really needa take a shower. They need cmon cs all dis putting me n a basement is really uncalled for.

Anyways a bitch is a lil scared, I ain't never been kidnap a day in my life before.

My thought process was cut off by feeling something come up my throat.

I quickly run to a corner of the basement n threw up. Man my stomach hurt like shit. Not gone lie but, I been throwing up ever since last week, it's probably food poisoning or sum shit. Cs I know it's not pregnancy n' if it is ima really beat Remy ass cs I'm really team FTK.

I wipe my mouth off with my blue n white fannel jacket.

I'm really tryna think postive of this whole situation, but the negative thoughts just keep tryna break in.

But it's like that with every situation in my life. I mean it's not like I want the negative thoughts to come true, but bitch just gone always have that in the back of her mindset.

Like what if this is the last day living of me on earth. Not that I'm suiducal or anything, but it wouldn't be too bad to just die. I really wouldn't have to worried bout life like that. No stressing, no worrying, no bullshit for anybody or anyone. I'll just be in this tiny lil glass box watching others lives from a distanced.

Don't gimmie wrong ima miss my family n' friends and definitely Remy. If it comes to dying, I'm not gone my scared, more than likely be at peace with myself. It's like 'the girls that get, get it n' the girls that don't, dont.' type of vibe.'

Okk lemme get out of my sucudical thoughts n pay attention cs I really need to figure out a way to escape or atleast try.

I see a couple of screws, a bat in the corner and more things.

Idk maybe I could use these to beat a nigga ass, but knowing these niggas bigger than me could be they advantage.

First I need sit down and really think who could possibly kidnap me..

I mean I did used to make bitches n niggas mad but not dis mad.

Then I start to really think. It can't possibly be who I think it is...

maybe, maybe not, maybe or maybe not...

Let me stop being in denial cs it prolly is my crazy ex. I mean he would be crazy enough to kidnap me, but I ain't really think a nigga was serious.

Niggas really be loco, but ionk if my nigga ain't crazy bout me ion want em.

But what i cant figure out is the why to this whole thing.

As I'm in debate with myself, I hear the door unlock again n the screechy sound continues.

I just fake sleep again, nobody ain't gone notice. I think...

As I hear the steps of someone going at a normal pace while coming down the stairs. I can't help but for my nerves to increase.

He really wouldn't kill me would he??...

Nah girl you good a voice said in my head.

Girl he can do whatever he want with you since he already kidnap you another voice said.

Rtt but if h– my thoughts where cut off by feeling the person breath on my face as a hand just strokes my chin.

"Oh have I missed you C"

That's all I needa to hear to confirm my thoughts it was Kaizer my ex...

《|'•                                                    •'|》

Thanks for reading, bye bitches.:))
- milanoo

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