00 | prologue

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"See ya, lads." Olivier said to the changing room. Martin and him walked out together. Most of his friends were years older than him, but in some ways he was oddly mature for his age. Willo wasn't really his friend but they still got along well on the team.

Martin had been his best friend since he was fourteen and joined the senior team. He's been viewed as a dangerous player since he stepped onto the pitch after he came to England last summer.

"We heading to Arthur's cafe?" Martin asked and Olivier nodded.

"Yeah, I took the tube, so can we take your car?" Olivier asked and Martin nodded. They were so similar, being calm on the outside but ready to cause a ruckus.

"Course, mate." Martin answered and they drove over to the cafe. Their girlfriends, Noémie and Oda, were to meet them. Martin, as well as the rest of all of Olivier's other friends, knew that Noémie was bad news. He had forgiven her for too many things that she had done wrong.

"She said that they're here." Martin told Olivier. Leaving out the part that Oda didn't want to be with Noémie alone.

"Perfect." Olivier said and they both went inside the cafe. Oda and Noémie were sitting at a large table in the back corner. Noémie was on her phone while Oda was nervously tapping her fingers on the table.

"Oda! How are you?" Martin asked and kissed her on the cheek. Olivier smiled at them and sat down next to Noémie. He put his arm around her and Martin sat across from him.

"Have you ordered yet?" Olivier asked Noémie. She nodded and Olivier smiled.

"What'd you get? Did you guys order for Martin and I?" Olivier inquired.

"Yeah. Oda got you an earl grey tea, Martin. I got you an iced decaf espresso." Noémie said and put her phone down to smile at them.

"Thanks, I haven't had anything to drink all morning." He said and a waiter brought over a plate of biscuits.

"Thank you." Oda said and the waiter walked back away. Noémie and Olivier loved food as they were French so they grabbed the first two.

"So, Noémie. Where are you from?" Oda asked her. She had only met Noémie briefly once before and was trying to break the awkward void. Martin didn't want to speak with her after all she has done to Olivier.

"Actually, it's Nouh-ay-em-ee." She corrected Oda and Olivier rolled his eyes. His name was mispronounced even more and even worse than Noémie but she always made a big deal of it. They were just lucky that she didn't go full on tantrum like usual.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Oda was a bit insulted but tried not to show it. The waiter then showed up with their drinks. She was thanked by all four and then led them.

"Thanks Noémie, I need this." Olivier chuckled and took a big sip of his coffee. Martin laughed at him and so did the women.

"Not a problem." Noémie smiled at him and picked her phone back up.

The conversation continued on and they were about halfway through their drinks when Olivier turned sick.

"Babe, did you get oat milk?" Olivier asked, as he was lactose intolerant.

"Why would I?" She asked and Martin rolled his eyes. Olivier couldn't respond and just fast walked over to the toilets.

"He's lactose intolerant." Martin responded for him and followed his friend into the toilets. It wasn't like Noémie didn't know, Olivier had told her multiple times.

"Oops." She shrugged. And Oda couldn't believe what she just saw.

"I've got to go, my friends are meeting in a few minutes. Can you tell Olivier I said bye?" Noémie asked and flashed Oda a cheeky grin. But she stood up and left before Oda could respond.

"You alright?" Martin was concerned when he heard Olivier throwing up in one of the stalls. He stopped for a second.

"No." He started again. Martin leaned against the outside of the stall he was in.

"I thought she'd know by now." He complained after he finished throwing up.

"Come on man, it's not your fault." Martin knew not to say anything about Noémie. It was bro code. You couldn't just talk shit about another friend's girlfriend. Martin already broke that, as they all talked behind his back. But they wouldn't dare say it to his face. Olivier sighed, knowing how Martin felt.

"Just tell me this, you thinks she's an asshole, don't you?" Olivier looked up at his Norwegian friend. Martin nodded and Olivier sighed.

"Could you take me home?" He sounded like a little kid but Martin felt bad for him.

"Course." Martin told his friend and they drove home after Martin said bye to Oda. Martin tried to cheer him up before he got to his home. He was going to ask Willo for some advice, but little did he know, Willo hated her too.

He got back to his cold home and turned the lights on to discover the plain house. Olivier really had no preferences when it came to decorating and much preferred spending his money on things to brag about. He did have severe OCD though so it was tidy to say the least.

His phone rang in his pocket and he pulled it out to see the ugliest ever picture of Willo looking back at him.

"Hey bro. You feeling alright?" Willo asked. They were good brothers when they had to be and came up as a stunning duo on the pitch.

"Better be, we've got a match to prepare for." Olivier chuckled.

"Seriously though, I'm fine. I'll see you tomorrow." Olivier said more seriously and Willo said his goodbyes. He was just ready to head home.

Olivier was feeling better after the drink and was now feeling good about the match; but with him, his emotions usually got in the way. But the only time they've worked out negatively is when Noémie did something unforgivable which Olivier forgave.

Noémie got away with a lot: cheating, faking pregnancy, jealousy, selfishness, and so much more. The only reason she got away with it is because early on -three months ago-, Olivier 'cheated' on her before they were officially together and she made him feel bad about that.

Olivier went out to his back garden for some peace and his phone started ringing again. It was an unknown number, and he always had fun making fun of telemarketers, so he answered.

"Bonjour! C'est Olivier Milan Saliba Jr, no?" [Hello, this is Olvivier Milan Saliba, no?] An extremely French man asked, even more than Olivier and Willo -which was difficult-. Usually telemarketers didn't know that much about him so he knew it wasn't one.

"Umm... oui, c'est." [Umm... yes, it is] Olivier said and the person sighed. 

"Dieu merci! J'ai téléphoner deux personnes avant vous. Je m'appelle Didier Deschamps." [Thank god! I called two people before you. My names is Dider Deschamps.] He introduced himself and Olivier grabbed his mouth suddenly.

"Le manager de l'équipe de France." [The French National Team's manager.] Olivier tried to sound calm. He was beyond excited. 

"Oui, voyez-vous, nous avons beaucoup réfléchi et décidé que vous étiez sûrement préparé pour l'équipe senior. Nous espérons que vous nous rejoindrez après la trêve internationale."[Yes, you see, we thought a lot, and decided you are surely prepared for the senior team. We expect you to join us from the international break onwards.] Dider explained. Olivier couldn't believe what just happened to him. 

"Bien sur!" [Of course!] Olivier was about to hang up and freak out. 

"Attendez une minute, je dois encore vous donner toutes les informations. Je l'enverrai à votre manager dans un instant. Bienvenue à bord." [Wait a minute, I still need to give you all the information. I'll send it to your manager in a moment. Welcome aboard] Dider and Olivier exchanged information and then hung up as Olivier had to be ready for his match tomorrow.

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my first published bookand im already too attached to it

its so fucking weird oml

anyways let me know ur thougths, I always appreciate feedback and comments on how to improve

also dont be a silent reader 

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