02 | colney carpool

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He caught his regular tube to London Colney with everything covering his face. It had a lot of the usual people on it, commuting to work, just like Olivier.

They had a small building that was the reception and had a game room in it, where he waited for Frimmy to pick him up. Martin and Olivier already left the changing rooms after changing. Martin was waiting with him and they sat by the couch.

"You ever met Frimmy?" Olivier tried to pronounce his name. He hadn't heard it before and it just sounded really funny.

"Pho whi me?" Martin laughed and tried to mimic Olivier's accent. Olivier slightly panicked.

"Please help, I've got no clue!" Olivier begged and moved over to Martin.

"I don't really want to, it's more funny." Martin shrugged and held his hands up.

"Fine, I'll learn on my own." Olivier stood up and dramatically moved to the other couch. He pulled out his AirPods and put them in his ears. Martin chuckled at Olivier before he heard a noise from Olivier's phone.

"Frimmy." The voice spoke out and Martin couldn't control himself. It was a previous video from Colney Carpool. He fell off the back of the couch as he couldn't stop laughing. Olivier started blushing and put his phone back down.

Fabio walked in through the door with Cedric, and his bag slung over his shoulder.

"Mate, I don't know what the hell that is, but Frimmy's here." Fabio shrugged and the two walked out the other door.

"Frimmy." Olivier tried to say quietly and Martin laughed even louder. As a French person, there was absolutely no way he would be able to pronounce Frimmy.

Olivier flipped him off and walked out the same door Fabio and Cedric walked out of. Cedric was leaning over and saying something to Frimmy but he and Fabio walked away when they saw Olivier approach.

"Olivier!" He called out when he saw him, with pretty good pronunciation. Olivier didn't know what to respond.

"Hey!" Olivier called back and kept his boots on his lap. He'd got his full coat on, as it was very cold for him.

"Man, first time I've had a French person in my golf cart." Frimmy joked and Olivier laughed. Willo had a Colney Carpool scheduled for later.

"I get that a lot." Olivier shrugged and Frimmy laughed more.

"Can I ask you a bit of a private question?" Frimmy tried to sound dramatic. Olivier knew exactly what he was doing,

"Depends on what it is." Olivier shrugged.

"Which of you did Mikel want?" Frimmy joked and Olivier laughed. British humor was weird and he didn't understand it.

"Me, of course. Willo was only... glaçage sur la gâteau cause he was 'of age'." Olivier responded and Frimmy laughed. Olivier wasn't perfectly fluent in English yet.

"In all seriousness though, Willo is a highly skilled center back. I think our parents would be proud of what we've become together." Olivier clarified and Frimmy nodded.

"What's one notable difference in England that you don't have in France?" Frimmy asked casually and Olivier thought for a moment.

"The terrible weather." Olivier shook his head and looked up into the sky. Frimmy put a hand to his mouth and shook his head.

"Come on man, you're only fifteen. There's plenty of life left to be mad at." Frimmy told him and they went around the long way to the training pitch.

"You look really cold." Frimmy pointed out and Olivier shivered.

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