03 | grande gueule

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He woke up to loud knocking on his door and found Willo standing next to Hans. It was a strange sight for someone who just woke up. And a strange sight for a bodyguard and a brother.

"Are you alright, bruv?" Willo asked and stepped in, Hans waited at the door and Willo closed it behind him.

"Did I sleep in?" He asked and Willo nodded and went to hug him.

"What happened?" Willo asked again, more sternly now.

"Noémie... and Daniel." Olivier didn't want to talk about it and went to a corner to chance while Willo went in the entryway. He wasn't sure what he was more sad about, his girlfriend or his thrown off schedule.

"Come on, don't worry about it. You're about to meet world famous footballers, it's a time to be excited." Willo tried to cheer him up and he finally realized what was ahead of them. Almost the whole team was staying in the same hotel, but they were just meeting at the actual training.

It completely knocked Noémie and Daniel out of his head. Football was life for the Saliba's after all. His frown turned into a smile when he walked out from behind the wall fully naked.

"How did I actually forget?" He slapped his forehead. Willo laughed at the naked boy in front of him and he went into his closet, revealing all his outfits for the week.

"Get some clothes on, man." Willo covered his eyes and looked away.

"Why? Does it make you feel bad about yourself?" Olivier asked and put his hands on his head. Willo gagged and sat down, staring into a corner.

"Just get ready and meet me in the hallway." Willo grumbled and left the room to join Hans in the hallway. Willo saw Giroud turn out of the hallway just as he left the room and couldn't believe his brother was next to his idol for a week.

Their first match was in just two days, against Gibraltar. It was still undecided whether the Saliba's would be starting however.

When the Saliba's arrived, a lot of people were already in the changing rooms messing around and changing. That's when Olivier first saw Olivier. He clutched his brother's sleeve and Willo laughed at him. Giroud was in his underpants but Olivier was still idolizing him.

"You Oli, can I introduce you to my brother?" Willo asked and his brother punched his gut so he doubled over.

"That's enough introduction for you, you ungrateful wanker." Willo walked away clutching his gut and to his cries of friends.

"Come here!" Giroud invited and Olivier slowly walked over. He was sitting with Kylian, Antoine, and Ousmane. Olivier idolized all four of them, but Giroud was his favorite by a long shot. He knew Kylian slightly as he went to the same school growing up. Kylian was an acquaintance of Willo's. 

"Ha ah,desole pour Willo, il est sepcial." [Ha ah, sorry for Willo, he is sepcial.] Olivier was embarrassed and they could all tell but still laughed at his attack on his brother. 

"C'est bof. Quoi qu'il en soit, bienvenue dans l'équipe." [It's alright. Anyways, welcome to the team.] Kylian said and Olivier smiled. 

"Tu vas adorer Dider" [You will love Dider] Antoine rolled his eyes as he said it and everyone laughed. Apparently, Dider was known to be extremely tough but Olivier had no clue yet. 

"Hommes! Sur le terrain, maintenant!" [Men! On the pitch, now!] Dider yelled after he entered the changing room with his full crew. Everyone who was half changed quickly finished and marched out single file onto the pitch. 

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