Chapter 14 - Wrong dates?

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Tiara's Pov

Days gone by, marking the end of the wedding celebrations. As I woke up and reflected on the past few days, a tinge of sadness covered me. The joyous celebrations had come to an end, and all of it returned to the mundane routines of daily life. Despite the slight gloominess, I couldn't help but cherish the memories of the wedding. It had been an extraordinary experience, filled with laughter, pleasant memories, and unforgettable moments.

Also the happiness I felt for Dhruv bhaiyya and Nitya bhabi is beyond. Seeing them together, finally united, filled me with warmth and joy. Their love story was a beautiful witness to the power of love and companionship.

As I joined everyone at the breakfast table, the familiar sights and sounds brought a sense of comfort. This place became my home. Aunty, as always, was busy serving chai and snacks, However, there was a noticeable absence - Akshit, still sound asleep, undoubtedly exhausted from the hustle and bustle of all the events.The deep trouble. I need my sane self back.

After having my breakfast, I retreated to my room to prepare for the day ahead. As I got ready, I couldn't shake off the bittersweet feeling of returning to my regular routine. It was still exhausting even if I liked my job. With a sense of determination, set out for the office, ready to take the workload that awaited me after a rejuvenating break, I left.
After wrapping up the day's work at the office, it was time for our coffee date with Shruti. We made our way to the cozy coffee shop, chatting and laughing along the walk. Inside, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee greeted us, and we settled into our usual spot, ready to enjoy our time together. Sipping on our favorite drinks, we shared stories and gossips savouring the moment.

After our delightful coffee date, we strolled back home together, relishing the pleasant evening breeze. Upon reaching home, we bid farewell and headed to our respective rooms to unwind.

Later in the evening, the family gathered in the hall, and we joined them, adding to the lively chatter and laughter. Shruti, began reflecting on the love between Dhruv bhaiyya and Nitya bhabi, expressing how fortunate they were to have found each other.

Suddenly, an idea struck Shruti, after dragging me to her room in a rush in the middle of the conversation and seated, she turned to me with excitement, suggesting that I should go on a date. She even mentioned trying dating apps like Tinder. However, I quickly dismissed the idea, explaining how I struggled with the concept of relationships. The mere thought made my throat tighten and my heart race, like an emotional allergy. Shruti, being shruti, teased me about forgetting to breathe and we both started laughing.

Despite my protests, Shruti persisted and convinced me to download Tinder. Reluctantly, I obliged, and she immediately helped me match with someone nearby. The guy was eager to meet the next very day, but I insisted to meet after office, much to Shruti's amusement. It is too uncomfortable for me but since I promised myself to get out of my comfort zone i somehow managed my nervousness.

Akshit's Pov

Waking up to a late start and rushing through my morning routine to get ready for work was the last thing I needed. Yet, despite the chaos, I managed to freshen up as quickly as possible, hastily putting my work attire before heading downstairs. The sight that greeted me in the kitchen was - the breakfast table lay vacant, with everyone having already finished their meal. Spotting Maa outside working in the garden, I caught her eye, and she immediately came over and offered me breakfast.

"Are you sure you should be heading to the office today, beta?" Maa asked, her tone laced with concern. "You seem exhausted from all the past few days and also without breakfast." I reassured her, "Yes, Maa, I need to go. There are important matters that require my attention. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I won't overwork myself."

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