i. thirty three - percy jackson's ultimate betrayal (the reprise)

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words : 5090

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pine wood.

the words echoed, twirled and jumped around in alliah's brain as she watched percy walk away.

the sun had been halfway done setting now, leaving a dark orange haze in the sky. in this setting, she watched as percy made his way towards luke.

she watched them walk away.

had luke gotten taller?

because it looked like he did.

no, or maybe his arms had gotten bigger - she didn't know. whatever it was that had changed about the boy, it wasn't a good effect. he looked...intimidating all of a sudden, even with his back turned.

was she...scared of him?


why now?

alliah's stomach churned as she made her way back to the bathrooms, lulling over everything percy had just told her.

could luke be...no...no way...

she made her way to the back, her eyes frozen to the bag percy had ditched on the ground.

she shook her head, muttering to herself as she walked away from the bag.

"no...no way..."

she refused to believe it, so she wouldn't.

she couldn't...


the pair continued into the woods until they reached an opening. percy's gaze landed on what looked like ancient ruins by the trees ahead of them.

"talk about a celebration," luke smiled as he looked up into the sky, watching the fireworks flashing across its now-dark canvas. "they really pulled out all the stops for you..."

he waited for a response from percy but got nothing.

"y'know, alliah was really looking forward to those," he went on anyway. "i wonder if she got up to a good spot to watch them..."

still nothing from the younger boy.

luke sighed.

"come on, you've said, like, two words since we left the cabin - look, i'm sorry i snapped at you guys. this is just important and we couldn't mess around, y'know?"

finally, percy nodded.

"i'm just..." percy admitted, his voice quiet. "i'm thinking about what the oracle said - that 'i'll fail to save what matters most in the end.'"

luke turned back, the lantern in his hand illuminating his face and the scar running down bis eye. percy had always known he had that scar. but in this light, he could really see it now and it was making him uneasy for some reason.

"you thinking about your mom?" he asked.

when percy seemed to struggle for a response, luke added. "i get that..."

"believe me," luke said as he set the lantern down on a nearby rock. "i do."

three bangs of firework charges echoed in the distance as luke faced percy off. the sky was lit ablaze by bursts of purple and pink as luke walked a little closer towards the boy.

"but prophecies? those things are so vague-"

"the quest is over," percy cut him off. "and everything the oracle has said has either come true or makes sense."

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