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The next evening, when Unaiza as per her routine came into the garden with a tray of tea and snacks, she saw her parents sitting on the comfortable sofas under the umbrella-like shade, busy in talks. This was one of the instances where she missed Haider's presence badly. By the serious looks on their faces, she was anticipating some significant conversation. She walked small steps ahead and greeted them before placing the tray on the table. They stopped talking when they saw her. Aqia even smiled sheepishly too. What was happening?

What if this was about her? For a while, Sarim's mother's phone calls to Aqia have been increasing. She seemed to come up with different words about their customs, traditions, and beliefs and how she wanted to incorporate them into her son's marriage. As happened when recently the Eid passed and Sarim's mother asked for extra presents for everyone from his family; starting from his mother to the loyal workers of theirs. It wouldn't be wrong to say that both Aqia and Tashfeen were finding their demands odd but nothing much could be done in this.

Along with that, Sarim's video calls were like never-ending. He was forcing Unaiza for a long time to get lenses as she wasn't looking beautiful to him in glasses. Many times, he made her wake up for hours to talk to her.

"Thanks, dear," Aqia said, lovingly to her.

After serving them the tea, Unaiza stood back to leave. But she wasn't satisfied with all of this. Was they worried again because of her? After walking for a while, she stood behind a tree as she hid herself from their view.

"So what are you going to do then?" Aqia was asking Tashfeen.

"Do what? We will do what they are asking," he replied.

"But don't you think it's an unfair demand? It was decided before the engagement that the cost of the ceremony would be divided between both families. We stuck by this and gave them the cash which was on our part. And suddenly they are saying that the guests from our side were more and the marriage hall had asked for more money from them?" Aqia raised her suspicion.

"Look Aqia, technically if this has happened then they aren't wrong. They were our guests so let this matter rest. Our Unaiza is far more precious to a few rupees, for sure," Tashfeen said.

"Do you really think that it's the truth?" She again implored, taking a sip of the delicious tea made by Unaiza.

Tashfeen shrugged his shoulders. "During the ceremony, the hall's manager did raise this issue, by the way, that a few guests had increased in number more than the actual count we both gave them. And yes, a few of my friends had come with their families so maybe the count had risen. Leave it, Aqia. It's just a small thing."

Unaiza's eyes watered at this. Why was this happening? Why her parents were stressed because of her? In the same turmoil, she came back into her room. As expected it was the time to talk to Sarim. Last night, he said that everytime its him who used to wait for her and call her so next time she should do this task.

The wall clock was showing it was six thirty. She closed the door of her room and placed a dupatta over her head before video-calling Sarim. He attended it within no time. A smile stuck on his lips seeing her. In a blue T-shirt and black sweatpants, he was supporting a cozy attire.

"AssalamoAlaikum, Sarim."

His eyebrows wrinkled at this. "Come on Unaiza. Grow up. It's not the eighteenth century. I am a man who has a very modern circle of friends. I am from an elite background. And if already I am marrying a desi girl like you on Mom's request, then at least you listen to me. It's Hi or Hello. Always greet me and my circle with this. It makes you feel more liberal and stylish."

Her Step Husband ✓Where stories live. Discover now