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"Brother!" Angelina rushed towards him, a large, cosmic smile tugging on her lips, "is it true? Is it really true? That your memories—your memories have returned? Oh, I'm so happy!"

Y/n leaned in her embrace, hugging her back. Then he observed her.

A little pale, and obviously shaken. Something had happened..

What did Iris say again? That there was still one more event? He was slowly getting used to regaining his memories, bit by bit. But if it happened already...Y/n frowned. Did characters having fourth-wall sentience affect his plan? He doubted so. All he had to do—was push through the very last event, and then he would be free. He would be free all the characters. Everyone.

And himself.

And besides, Y/n needed to tell her about this whole..otome thing. The fact she was a character, and not an actual, actual person. But also in a way, perhaps Y/n himself wouldn't really be regarded as a person but an anomaly. It was all wayward and confusing. Y/n didn't really know what to do in this kinds of situations.

"Oh, right," Y/n said awkwardly, "I do need to tell you something.'ll make for awkward conversation. If—"

"You're not feeling unwell, right?" Angelina interrupted, "any repercussions? Any side-effects?"

"Oh, I'm fine," Y/n winced, "it's more of a matter regarding you, Angelina. It's.."

To his surprise, she stiffened.

"...You heard about it?"


"Huh? I mean.." Y/n coughed, "I believe I did." Was she talking about their father visiting?

A pained expression crossed her face and she chewed on her lip. Y/n was a little stunned by how perplexed she looked. Surely, she didn't get into a fight with Count Aragon, right? Why did she look so dismal? So stunned? So..

"Elliot betrayed me," She blurted, wringing her hands, "it's like you were right. You always warned me about him, but he...on that day, when you lost your memories—" She swallowed, "I kind of rushed off in a hurry. I abandoned him. Kind of. So now he's been spreading rumors about me, about how I'm so horrible, about how I have no loyalty, no trust—but I mean, of course you would choose your brother over some random person you've just met, right? I'm more angry than anything."

Words popped in his mind.

The bad ending for Elliot was betrayal.

So it had been triggered, it seemed. And gosh, was Elliot really such a douchebag? Since technically, Elliot had saved them during the bandit incident, Y/n had automatically assumed it meant he was still a decent guy at heart, though still annoying and naive—but this?

It really took the cake.

Y/n did not say I told you so, or reprimand her. Instead, he let the words slip from his mouth: "He's such an asshole."

Angelina burst into laughter, and Y/n stared at her in shock. Shouldn't she be sad? Crying? Devastated? That's how he remembered her reacting in the game. But then again, the context had been different. And he had been different.

"Oh," She giggled, "it does sound funny when you say it. You never curse, so. And besides," She sighed, "I think I knew in advance he really wasn't the right one for me. A part of me just hoped I would be able to become friends with him, you know? After all, he did save me. But now..I don't feel too sad. I don't feel sad, at all—I'm not joking! I feel pity for him. That's it," Angelina said firmly.

"That's good to hear." Y/n celebrated internally. Okay. So that was three down. Or four. Aristidis, Theo, Elliot...

Oh. And Claude. Claude still wasn't finished yet. He was quite an okay guy so..

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