❄️The First Draft❄️

70 8 10

Creativity: 15/15

I will say that the creativity is actually there. It's a very interesting story, and the way the author does it is very unique because you have an author that is. They are trying to write a new book, but at the same time, they have writer's block, which you don't really read a lot about. So, I give props to the author for this. That is a very interesting

Originality: 10/15

Now, when it comes to this, I don't mean to be mean or malicious or hateful, just so you know, But at the end of the day, it's a predictable story. And I say that with good intentions because, at the end of the day, you have a good concept of a story. But when it comes to originality and predictability those things are hard to balance in this story because although it is an original story and it's beautiful, it's really. Predictable on what's going to happen. Like there's no suspense at all And as a reader, when I can read the first chapter and know. What's going to happen in the story? I lose interest.

Storytelling: 10/15

Storytelling is very interesting. But once again, there are so many stories. That you can predict. I do feel like the storytelling is told through the authors point of view because the way that they talk about the author and everything like that, I feel like that's who's telling the story or even the editor who's telling the story, which is good. It's a good story. Don't get me wrong, but so many aspects of the story you can guess what's going to happen next. and you're hoping that you're not right, but you are. Once again, this is not to be mean or anything like that. This is to help you to help your story. So that way your story can become the best version of you.

Character: 10/15

I do feel like the characters are interesting when it comes to the concept of how they do each other, like the author puts Mr Brown as their pin name, and then. The illustrator's little brother puts his name as Nicole, but once he can, as soon as you are injured to these characters in the first chapter, you know that they're going to end up being together and working. Together, because he's an illustrator at the end of the day. She's an author. She needs graphics. He needs to get out of his slump. So because of that, there's no room. For mysteriousness. There's no room for guessing. There's no room for anticipation.

Story Flows:15 /15

The story has nothing wrong regarding grammar, sentence structure, or sentence flow. Everything worked out perfectly and sounded correct.

Cover Design:15 /15

I adore the cover. I find the cover represents the story beautifully. I think it over-represents the story, to be honest. The cover is so gorgeous.

Final Thoughts:10 /10

For me, it is a story with many bumps in the road, which is what I'm gonna call him. But it's still a good story. Because at the end of the day, every story is not going to be perfect. And I will never say that there is a bad story or it's a horrible story because it's not. It has so much potential when it comes down to the story itself. Even the characters have a lot of potential. But I do feel like, as a reader, this is a rough draft. This is not the final copy. This is not a polished word. This is not the here you go. Publish it type story. This is. The first draft, and After this is done, the author will go back and look over it and finagle with things and make it better. And make it more sustainable. I want to say and make it more. Mysterious, more guessable, more okay. What's going to happen next? Type story right now. This is just the first draft, and it does need a little polishing up and a little more out-of-the-box thinking. But at the end of the day, it's still a great story. It just needs some TLC and once again, this is not to be mean or hateful or malicious or rude. This is just how I feel when it comes to a reader's point of view. Now, it does seem that you have a lot of votes and a lot of views, which I'm not saying is a bad thing, but from my point of view, I do feel like it's a very. I don't want to say safe story to write, but it's safe for now. I feel like after you're done writing the story, you'll go back, reread it, and maybe change something. And better it. But this is a rough draft for now, and that's okay. Not every first draft is going to be perfect. It's not supposed to be, but I feel like once the story is done and published completely, and you go back and edit it, it will be fantastic.

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Chapters I read:prologue and 3 chapters 

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Total points:85

Summary of the book:


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they cannot be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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