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His eyes roamed the entire mansion before settling it into saif. He wonders why her father chose this idiot over him. Saif walked toward Ryan and extended his hand toward him for a shake hand Ryan smirked pridefully and accepted his hands.

“I heard alot about you, it's pleasure to meet you as my brother in law”saif said politely

“Brother in law?”That particular word annoyed him and at the same time made him happy.

“Yeah i heard you are going marry Shifa ”

Ryan's smiled lightly and nodded his head

“I will be back”saif said like a obedient kid that made Ryan chuckle

“What a loser”he whispered to himself by looking at his retiring figure

He saw the great Ahad Yeldiz who was watching them all the time walk toward Ryan and hugged him. He smiled at him and hugged him back.

“How are you son?”Ahad's words brought a fake smile to Ryan's face.

“Doing great uncle”his words bring a smile to Ahad's face.

“So you are going to marry my niece”Ahad happily asked to Ryan. Ryan smiled a bit from the look of his face we can say that he is faking it. He nodded his head in agreement

“I think i am”

“Do you know shifa before”Ahad asked another question to Ryan

“no i don't Remember her i seened her in childhood this meetup is completely arranged by my family so”

“Do you remember Edha now, I mean you two are pretty close in childhood so”this question left him with a smirk but he hid it under his gentleman facade and smiled.

“No, I don't Remember her alot to. It's been a long time since I visited India so”he effortlessly lied to her father.

“Yeah, that's true.”Ahad shaked his head and smiled a bit.

“Let me introduce you to our family?”Ahad asked to him

“Yeah sure “Ahad introduced him to all of the Yildiz with a bright smile on his face. Without knowing he is introducing his own destruction to his family.

At the same time shifa came to the room. With a perfect smile on her face.

Ryan doesn't even bother to look at her. Shifa doesn't even take her eye's back from him. She is oogling at him.

“How pathetic creature”Ryan whispered under his breath and smirked

“i am shifa, “she extended her hand toward him and smiled brightly.

“Ryan”he simply nod my head and said

“It's like a dream “ she said

“What” annoyance is visible in his voice.

“You, being with you, marrying you”

“We are not married yet, don't be full of yourself, you may fall ”he harshly said. His voice held his annoyance and anger.

Shifa's face paeled suddenly, he casually insulted her in front of her whole family and friends. It was the first time someone insulted her. Tears filled her eyes. Ryan doesn't bother to correct his words or apologise to her. He walked out of the place.

Ryan walked out of the place and stood under the moonlight by staring at the dark sky. His eyes roamed around the entire sky and it set back to the moon. Who stood proudfully in the darkest sky.
He chuckled at the moon.

“Oh woman, did you know my whole world revolves around you and yet you are unaware of my existence “He took a cigarette from his pocket and lightered it. He exhaled slowly by gazing at the moon..

“Edha Ahad yildiz, sorry for choosing this way to have you, but trust me i know it may hurt you but this pain wouldn't last longer, i will hold you in my arms i wouldn't let you cry again, i wouldn't let any one near you, “he said by looking at the moon.

“Ryan” a voice brought him back to his reality. It's his mother

“Yes mom”Ryan said by looking at the moon

“admiring the moon, not bad”she teased him a little.

“No, admiring someone else”he said without looking at her

“Ooh, my son is so in love with my daughter in law. I seen that”

“Yeah, alot”he said without any hesitation.

“So you know shifa before?”That name brings an annoyance in Ryan's eyes.

“What. No”

“Then what made you fall in love with her this much”

Ryan chuckled and forced a smile in his face

“What are you doing here”

“I came here to search for you”

“Hmm, then let's go back”Ryan put his arms around his mother's shoulder and they both walked toward the house.

“Where were you Ryan”Ahad asked to him

“I went to attend a call ”he said



Ryan reached his office after the dinner with yelidz, he felt annoyed there. All of their families are happy that Ryan and Shifa are going to get married soon, only he knows what is going to happen on their wedding day. He is not regretting his decision or not going to regret it in future. He knows how much he craved her.and the dirty plan's he made to cage her.Only her. Only he knows how much he wants her to be his.He knows Everything about her, what she loves, what she fears, what she hates the most.everything. He smiled at her thoughts.Even he knew who is her worst nightmare too.

(2 week later)


“Sir, please don't touch me. I am your student, right ? “ tears flowed out from my eye's, i was shivering badly

“Come here, Edha, just do as i say afterall you are the one who came here in my office you need my help right, let me help you”

“Don't touch me please”i begged in front of him

“Aryan, come here”
and another man walked inside the office. His eyes are also fixed on me.

“Your selection is very impressive “he said, touching my jaw.

“now she is ours, our new pet, sir”they both smirked while looking at me. I was crying and begging them to let me go.

“Yeah we can sold her after we get bored of her “my professor said, looking at my body. It felt so uncomfortable. It was the first time someone stared at me in this way. Lust, and desire is evident in his eyes. Suddenly the Aryan guy gripped my hair harshly and I cried in pain..

“Don't touch me”I felt dizzy, I was on the verge of losing my mind, suddenly everything went blank.  Only Their degrading and dirty word's is echoing in my ears

“You fucking whore stay still  otherwise we both will rip your little body apart”

“Look at her she is such a good little bird right, Arya?”

“yeah sir, she is my finches, cute , little, innocent finches

What happened to Edha?

Next update will be tomarrow, sorry for the delay.❤️

Love you all❤️

ᴇᴅʜᴀ -𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓭𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮. [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now