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Her eyes were widening with every word she was reading on that green paper. It was a divorce paper from Sarim's side.

Did she just get divorced within less than twenty-four hours of marriage?

Was divorce papers her wedding gift?

Her eyes started burning thinking about all this. What had happened all of a sudden? She again looked at the paper. Maybe she didn't comprehend it properly or misread it. How could this happen? Just last day she got married.

"Sarim!" Leaving the divorce papers aside, she called him once again.

"Sarim, where are you?" Tears were making her vision more blurry as she rushed out of the room.

"Aunt Fariha! Where is everyone?" Finding no answer to her call, she finally understood that she wasn't having any dreams. She was indeed standing here and breathing while all this was so oblivious to her.

Coming back into the room, she headed straight towards the en suite. It was empty. She was yet to set her dresses here in the morning. But there was not a single thing that belonged to Sarim was present here.

Unaiza took a deep breath to calm her messy emotions. She somehow got hold of her phone and dialed Aqia's number. She accepted it within a few seconds.

"Oh Iza Api, our new bride. How can you wake up so early today?" It was Hiba's teasing voice that greeted her.

Unaiza swallowed her tears back. "Hiba, where is Aqia Mama?"

"Mama is in the kitchen, supervising the preparation of breakfast which we are going to bring to your in-laws."

The breakfast custom.

She faces palmed herself. They were coming anyway. It was maybe not good to make them more worried before time. She cut the call after that and sat aimlessly on the edge of the bed.

Was she just conned? This marriage was fake and a trick. She just became a victim of cheat.

Exactly after one hour, Aqia, Tashfeen, Haider, and Ishmal came looking all happy and satisfied with the newly made fresh and delicious breakfast. But who knew what disaster were they going to behold? When they saw the house empty and a crying Unaiza with the signed divorce papers from her newly wedded husband, they were both shocked and angry.

Upon delving more into this matter, an old man from the neighborhood revealed the shocking fact that this house belonged to a rich businessman who was living in the USA and had just rented his apartment to a new family a few months ago. But this morning, the family had also left for some unknown place.

Sarim's family had looted Unaiza. They had gotten the jewelry, dowry, heavy cash, and many other valuable things from her side by deceiving them. And maybe that was a part of the same gang that was making the news recently for committing fraud in the name of marriage.

They ransacked the valuable and expensive belongings of the victim's family. They were well known for changing their name, appearances, and locations for their next target. And the worst thing was that even Haider too never came across about information about such a group. Either they didn't get reported by anyone or some elite group was involved in this. He wished he would have checked more deeply about this proposal. However, due to how swiftly they changed the location and how their appearances altered, it was difficult to gauge this.

When she came back to her house, she felt weird by seeing these familiar roads and people. She couldn't even imagine what happened to her. She was devoted to this relationship. Even though she loved Huzaifa all her life but as soon as Sarim appeared in her life, all she cared about was him. She even tried to become a totally different personality because he wanted to groom her. But all that was deception.

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