Episode 1.3 : The sentence

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Gemma felt an overwhelming sense of guilt for the trouble she had caused her mother and little sister into. Despite her attempts to apologize, her mother remained silent, weeping incessantly. Meanwhile, her little sister's cries for their mother went unanswered, as their mother avoided speaking to her, fearing it would worsen their situation for the impending trial. Gemma tried to soothe her sister's cries to no avail.

Trapped in the middle, Gemma's little sister could only hear their mother's sobs, unable to see her, which only added to her distress

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Trapped in the middle, Gemma's little sister could only hear their mother's sobs, unable to see her, which only added to her distress. Resigned to her silence, Gemma wept quietly in her prison. As evening fell and the camp grew quieter, she attempted once more to reach her mother, whispering softly.

This time, her mother responded, turning her head towards Gemma with a mixture of anguish and disapproval.

"Oh, my child, why did you not heed my advice? Why did you disregard my warnings? Didn't I tell you to keep those feelings about hunting and adventures to yourself? Look at the situation you've brought us into," her mother expressed with frustation. Gemma could only muster a sincere apology, feeling the heavy burden of guilt pressing down on her. Her mother turned away, muttering about Gemma's disobedience.

Left alone, Gemma gazed out over the horizon and the village below, surrounded by the thick trees of the forest, feeling a profound sense of remorse and despair.

After a while, her mother and little sister drifted off to sleep, their tears finally subsiding. However, Gemma found sleep difficult to grasp. Suddenly, she was startled by a flash of light in her eyes. Peering into the darkness, she spotted Michael.

Michael, a young male Fost who had always been a loyal friend to Gemma, though some speculated that his kindness toward her hinted at deeper feelings

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Michael, a young male Fost who had always been a loyal friend to Gemma, though some speculated that his kindness toward her hinted at deeper feelings.

Using sign language, Michael indicated that he would shoot an arrow with a letter attached. Gemma scanned their surroundings cautiously before signaling back, warning him to proceed with care.

Female Rens were forbidden from learning sign language, a skill reserved solely for the male Fosts to aid in hunting. Gemma's father had secretly taught her, making her promise never to reveal it, as discovery would mean certain death. Since her father's passing, only Michael knew her secret, kept even from her mother and sister.

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