Chapter 1 ''The Beginning''

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On a rainy night, amidst the soft patter of raindrops, a plane touched down on the runway of Astral City Airport. Stepping out from the aircraft emerged a young boy with striking white hair, accompanied by a girl with black hair and captivating green eyes. Their butler, exuding an air of sophistication, followed closely behind. As they made their way towards the airport's entrance, their noble presence caught the attention of onlookers, who couldn't help but gaze in awe.

Awaiting their arrival stood a sleek black car, its polished exterior gleaming under the glow of the airport lights. The driver, recognizing his passengers, hastened to open the car doors for them. "You know the location, right?" the butler inquired, his expression serious. The driver nodded in response, his demeanor reflecting a sense of duty and professionalism.

The young boy, sensing the tension, interjected with a playful tone, "Hey, Cedric, you're scaring him with that look." The butler, unfazed, replied, "Sorry, young master, but I was born with this face." The boy sighed inwardly, remarking to himself about Cedric's lack of humor.

With a twist of the key, the car's engine roared to life, eager to embark on its journey. As they began their drive through the city streets, the young girl couldn't help but marvel at the sight before her. "Look, brother, the city looks beautiful," she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement. The boy glanced out the window, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, the city has changed, hasn't it, Cedric?" he remarked.

Indeed, Astral City appeared to have undergone significant development in recent years, a testament to its growth and progress. As the car continued along its path, each occupant lost in their own thoughts, the boy immersed himself in a book while the girl found solace in the city's enchanting beauty.

car reached its destination 

As the butler's car approached a vast mansion nestled amidst a grove of trees, the girl's excitement bubbled over. She couldn't contain her joy at the sight of the grand estate. Concern etched on his face, the butler turned to the boy. "Are you sure about this, young master? I can arrange for us to stay somewhere safer."

"No, it's okay. After all, this is my parents' house," the boy reassured, his resolve unwavering. Accepting his decision, the butler suggested they rest in the house, sensing their fatigue from the journey. Both kids agreed, trusting the butler's judgment.

Suddenly, the butler's phone rang, interrupting their conversation. After a brief conversation, he turned to the boy. "Young master, it seems our members are facing some trouble at the airport. I need to go and guide them."

Understanding the urgency, the boy nodded. "Yeah, you should go and help them out." Concern creased the butler's brow as he asked, "But will you both be fine alone in the house?"

"Don't worry, we'll be fine," the boy reassured. With a sigh, the butler cautioned, "Fine, but lock the doors just in case. I'll try to return soon." With that, he departed, leaving the kids alone in the sprawling mansion.

As they stepped inside, the girl's eyes widened with wonder. "Brother, look, our house is huge!" she exclaimed, her excitement palpable. The boy smiled indulgently, urging her to rest. However, her hunger got the better of her, and she insisted on finding something to eat.

Handing her some food, the boy tried to pacify her, but her dissatisfaction was evident. "We've had this for three days. I don't want to eat this," she protested. Though reluctant, the boy stood firm, refusing her request to go out.

Despite his resistance, the girl persisted, her tearful pleas tugging at his heartstrings. Finally relenting, he agreed, conceding defeat. "Fine, you win. What do you want to eat?" he relented.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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