PART 5 🦋

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"Found you princess"

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"Found you princess".....!!!!

Jungkook POV

I spotted her standing on a prayer mat, her gaze fixed downward in deep concentration. Quietly, I approached her and stood beside her, puzzled by her intense focus.

"Princess, what are you doing here?" I inquired, attempting to draw her attention. Yet, she remained oblivious to my presence, as if she were deliberately ignoring me, just as she did back at Jeon Jungkook's company.

"Are you ignoring me, princess?" I asked, moving to her left side, but she continued to whisper her prayers, her words muffled by the veil.

I clenched my jaw, trying to contain my frustration. I had little patience for anyone, and this girl was certainly testing it. Suddenly, she bent down, placing her hands on her knees. I mirrored her movement, attempting to catch a glimpse of her face, but her veil obscured everything. Why was she hiding her face? As she rose to stand straight, I observed her posture soften, her movements fluid and graceful. It was evident that she was deeply engrossed in her prayers, her devotion palpable even to an outsider like me.

As she transitioned from one position to another, I continued my attempts to distract her, shifting my weight and making subtle movements. Despite my best efforts, her devotion remained unshakeable, her prayers uninterrupted by my presence.

Watching her bow in reverence and prostrate in humble submission, I couldn't help but admire her steadfastness. Even as I tried to disrupt her, she remained resolute, her connection with the Divine unbroken.
As I observed her every movement during prayer, a myriad of thoughts raced through my mind. How could someone invest so much belief and devotion in a being they believe doesn't even exist?

Completing her prayers with Tasleem, she turned her head to the right and then to the left, conveying peace and blessings upon the angels, prophets, and righteous believers.
As her eyes met mine, I found myself captivated by the intensity and sincerity within them. Without a word, she rose from her prayer mat and approached me with a quiet confidence.
"Close your eyes," she instructed, and without hesitation, I complied, unsure of why I was even listening to her. Suddenly, I felt a gentle rush of air against my face, and an unexpected sense of calm washed over me. In that moment, amidst the chaos of my thoughts, her presence seemed to offer a fleeting respite from the turmoil within me.

"May Allah give you hidayath"

When I finally opened my eyes, she was nowhere to be found,her presence had stirred something deep within my being, something I had never experienced before. Placing a hand over my racing heart, I pondered the inexplicable connection that seemed to have formed between us.

"What are you even doing to me, princess?" I mused aloud, unable to suppress a smirk. Love was a foreign concept to me, something I had always viewed with skepticism. Yet, in her presence, I found myself questioning my own convictions.

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