Covert Expedition- Chapter 47

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As the clash intensified, Nert's mind raced, searching for a strategy to turn the tide of battle in his favor. With Eldritch's relentless punches continuing to rain down upon him, Nert knew he had to act swiftly to seize control of the fight.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Nert shifted tactics, abandoning the futile attempt to block Eldritch's strikes. Instead, he closed the distance between them, moving in with calculated precision as he sought to grapple with his opponent.

Eldritch, caught off guard by Nert's sudden change in tactics, faltered for a moment, his movements momentarily thrown off balance by the unexpected maneuver. Sensing an opportunity, Nert surged forward, his arms encircling Eldritch's torso as he sought to gain the upper hand in close quarters combat.

With a surge of strength born from desperation, Nert locked his arms around Eldritch, his fingers digging into the fabric of his opponent's clothing as he sought to immobilize him. Ignoring the searing pain radiating from his injuries, Nert tightened his grip, his every movement fueled by an unyielding determination to emerge victorious.

Eldritch, struggling against Nert's vice-like hold, fought desperately to break free, but Nert's relentless grip held firm, denying him any opportunity to escape. As the seconds stretched into eternity, Eldritch's struggles grew weaker, his movements slowing as the air began to drain from his lungs.

With one final surge of strength, Nert tightened his grip, his arms locking tightly around Eldritch's neck as he applied pressure with ruthless efficiency. And in that moment, amidst the chaos of battle, Nert's determination proved unshakeable as he choked the life from his formidable opponent, his victory assured by the power of his indomitable spirit.

The tattoo etched upon his forehead vanished in an instant, as if it had never been there at all.

As Nert released his grip on Eldritch's neck, the latter slumped unconscious to the ground, the fight draining from him in a final, desperate gasp for air.

Groaning in pain, Nert's battered form collapsed to the ground, his body trembling with exhaustion as he struggled to draw each ragged breath.

"Damn it..." he muttered hoarsely, his voice barely above a whisper amidst the chaos of battle. "I'm... I'm bleeding... I can feel it..."

The weight of his injuries pressed down upon him like a suffocating shroud, each heartbeat echoing through him like a distant drumbeat, a relentless reminder of his mortality.

With each labored breath, Nert's thoughts turned to those he held dear, their faces flickering like distant stars in the night sky of his mind.

"Is this... Is this how it ends?" he murmured, the words barely more than a whisper as he fought to cling to consciousness, his vision swimming in a haze of pain and exhaustion.

As darkness threatened to claim him, Nert's thoughts turned to his comrades, their unwavering loyalty a beacon of hope in the darkness of his despair.

"Forgive me..." he whispered, the words a prayer whispered into the void, a final farewell to those he held dear.

But even as the shadows closed in around him, a glimmer of determination flickered within Nert's heart, a stubborn refusal to surrender to the darkness that threatened to consume him.

For in that fleeting moment, amidst the chaos and despair, Nert found the strength to fight on, his spirit unbroken despite the odds stacked against him.

With a desperate cry echoing through the air, fueled by a primal instinct for survival, Nert's scream pierced the tense atmosphere. Despite his weakening state and the relentless loss of blood from his encounter with Eldritch, Nert summoned his strength to rise, his body swaying precariously as he struggled to maintain his balance.

"AAAAHHH!" he screamed, his voice filled with desperation and the fervent desire to live.

After standing up while almost falling again, he slowly walked towards Ruby'ck, his steps heavy and labored. Reaching her side, he crouched down, checking her for any signs of injury or bleeding.

"Thank goodness, you aren't hurt nor bleeding. Captain would kill us otherwise," he muttered, relief evident in his voice as he examined her carefully. "Hey, Ruby. Ruby, wake up. Come now," he said, his tone gentle yet urgent, as he shook her body lightly in an attempt to rouse her.

"Ruby, wake up," Nert urged softly, his words a whispered plea as Ruby'ck slowly began to stir, her consciousness returning at the sound of his voice.

"Ruby, wake up," Nert's voice broke through the haze as Ruby'ck slowly opened her eyes, the world around her coming into focus once more.

As her vision cleared, Ruby'ck's gaze fell upon Nert, and shock rippled through her as she took in the sight of him, blood staining his face and body, evidence of the brutal struggle he had endured.

"Nert, what happened?" she gasped, her voice trembling with concern as she struggled to comprehend the scene before her. "You're hurt... so badly."

With a weary yet determined expression, Nert offered Ruby'ck a faint smile, though it was overshadowed by the pain etched across his features. "It's nothing, Ruby. Just a scratch," he assured her, though his words rang hollow in the face of his injuries.

Tears welled in Ruby'ck's eyes as she reached out to touch Nert's bloodied face, her fingers trembling with emotion. "No, it's not nothing," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "You risked your life for us... for me."

"I... I fought... for us," Nert responded, his words infused with a profound sense of determination and unwavering loyalty. "I fought to keep you safe, to protect each and every one of you. And I will keep fighting... as long as there's breath in my body."

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