Covert Expedition - Chapter 48

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"Hey, Nert!" Ruby'ck cried out, her voice laced with emotion, as she witnessed Nert collapsing from his injuries.

"Hey! Nert! Oh no! You're bleeding so much," she exclaimed, her panic rising as she observed the continuous flow of blood from Nert's left torso.

Quickly tearing a strip of cloth from her garment, Ruby'ck swiftly wrapped it around Nert's wounded torso, applying pressure to staunch the bleeding.

"Stay with me, Nert. You're going to be okay," she murmured, her voice quivering with concern, as she tended to his injuries.

As Eldritch struggles to his feet, his movements sluggish and unsteady, his eyes burn with a menacing intensity, fueled by rage and malice.

"You pathetic brats! I'll... I'll make you suffer for every drop of blood spilled today! You'll rue the day you crossed paths with me!" His voice reverberates with a chilling ferocity, each word dripping with venom as he slowly advances towards Ruby'ck, who's frozen in terror, her heart pounding in her chest.

With every step Eldritch takes, Ruby'ck's fear intensifies, her mind racing with thoughts of imminent danger and desperate pleas for help.

"Zach... Zach, please, if you can hear me... help us!" Her voice quivers with fear, tears welling in her eyes as she frantically tends to Nert's wounds, her hands trembling with a mixture of adrenaline and dread, knowing that their lives hang in the balance with each passing moment.

Closing the distance between himself and Ruby'ck, who is focused on tending to Nert's injuries, Eldritch's unsteady steps bring him within arm's reach of her.

"Ah, it's you again, little girl," Eldritch mutters with a dizziness evident in his voice, his gaze fixed on Ruby'ck who remains crouched beside Nert, applying pressure to his bleeding torso.

Despite Eldritch's attempts to provoke a reaction from her, Ruby'ck remains still, her attention solely on her injured comrade.

"Am I intimidating you, little one?" Eldritch questions, frustration edging into his voice as Ruby'ck keeps her gaze averted.

"Hey! Look at me, girl! Am I frightening you?" he demands, reaching out to grasp her cheeks, forcing her head to turn and meet his gaze.

"Now you're paying attention," Eldritch declares, his voice tinged with a menacing satisfaction as he locks eyes with Ruby'ck.

Ruby'ck's attempt to strike Eldritch is swiftly intercepted as he effortlessly seizes her arm, his grip tight and unyielding.

"You're nothing but a weakling," Eldritch sneers, his voice dripping with disdain as he holds Ruby'ck's arm firmly.

"Pathetic, truly," he continues, his words laden with contempt. "You can't even shield your friends in their direst hour. Even now, amid this chaos, your weakness remains unchanged. How utterly pitiful you are, girl."

With a cruel slap across her face, Eldritch sends Ruby'ck tumbling to the ground, her efforts to aid the unconscious and bleeding Nert thwarted.

"You're nothing but a weak, worthless piece of filth!" Eldritch's voice echoes with malice as he gazes down at Ruby'ck, tears streaming down her face as she watches her comrades lie motionless before her.

Ruby'ck's heart raced with fear and desperation as Eldritch's cruel words pierced her soul. She struggled to regain her footing, her mind clouded with anguish and helplessness.

Trembling, Ruby'ck whispered, her voice trembling with emotion, "Please... just stop..."

But Eldritch's laughter filled the air, mocking her plea with ruthless derision.

"Why would I stop?" he sneered, his eyes glinting with malice. "You're merely prey to me, feeble and vulnerable. Just another pawn in Ybael's game for gold."

Ruby'ck's breath hitched as she felt a surge of anger and determination welling within her. Despite her fear, she refused to surrender to Eldritch's cruelty.

"I may be weak... but I won't let you harm my friends," she declared, her voice trembling with resolve.

Eldritch's laughter echoed around her, a chilling reminder of the danger she faced. But deep within her, a flicker of courage burned bright, refusing to be extinguished.

Ruby'ck gathered her strength, rising to her feet with determination, poised to confront Eldritch despite her trembling from fear.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Pathetic! Absolutely pathetic!" Eldritch cackled, his laughter echoing through the tense air. "You think you're tough now, huh? Can't face the truth so you resort to false bravado?! HAHAHAHAHA! You're nothing but a weakling!" His mocking laughter rang out, aimed directly at her.

Amidst the escalating tension, a commanding voice shattered the silence, cutting through the intensity of the stare down between Eldritch and Ruby'ck.

"Hey. What do you think you're doing to my comrades?" Zach's voice cut through the tension, his expression stern as he confronted Eldritch's taunts, reassuring Ruby'ck with his timely intervention.

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