[2] Unexpected Death

130 6 15

Arabella Ashford

Math class was always the most boring to me. I didn't like it nor could I do it. I was literally the worst at it.

And now here I am, sitting at the last seat of Mr. Hart's class, listening to him as he screams our ears off. This man should get an oscar for screaming.

"Ms. Olivia, stand up and answer this algebraic problem!" Mr. Hart screamed, as usual. The girl, Olivia, stood up with a hesitant and fearful face, clearly indicating she doesn't know the answer.

I mean, who even does at this point?

Math is for genius people, which I am not, so I have accepted it.

"Uh, sir I think the an-"

"No, don't 'I think' infront of me! Answer if you are sure only!" Mr. Hart yelled before telling her to sit down. It wasn't even her fault. Why is he so harsh? He is a math teacher, that's why.

My heart rate begin to pick up as he started to scan his eyes around the room to find another victim. To my luck, his eyes stopped right on me before he said, "Ms. Arabella, stand up and answer this question."

I shakily stood up with clammy hands as the whole class turned their attention to me. This is worse than a nightmare.

"I don't have all day, Ms. Ashford. Answer the question quicky." He said boredly as I squinted my eyes at the foreign equation. What even is that?

Just as I was about to open my mouth and tell him that I don't know the answer, a loud female voice came in from the intercom which was situated at the top right corner of the classroom.

"Arabella Ashford, please report yourself in the principal's office."

I diverted my gaze on the table as everyone stared at me, some bickering among themselves saying that the quiet girl got in trouble.

Trying to calm my racing heart and wild thoughts, I stand up my desk and approach Mr. Hart for permission to leave the class.

"Wonder what trouble she got herself into." He mumbles under his breathe before telling me to get lost. Gosh why is he so rude?

On my way to the principal's office, I kept biting onto the flesh around my nails, a habit I do when I am extremely scared or nervous. And I right now, I am both of them. I never got into trouble before, let alone getting called into the principal's office.

Upon seeing the unfamiliar wooden door with Principal's Office written on top, I place my clammy hands on the metal handle. My heart was seriously about to jump out of my chest at this point.

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