Ch. XX ✡Rekindling Friendship✡

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666 NEWS ANNOUNCED TODAY THAT IT WOULD REACH a high temperature of over 120 degrees in Hell. For most sinner demons/Hellborns, they can handle an average of 90 to 100 degrees, though when it reaches 120--which is exactly what it is today--everyone is required to hide out and wait for Hell's sun to reach near sunset when the temps will then drop drastically.

But...there are of course those select few who do not heed Hell's weather warning and stay outside in Hell's heat, laboring and sweating profusely to near dehydration. Those people being you, Charlie, Lucifer, Angel Dust, Husker, Niffty, Vaggie, and even Alastor himself.

Practically everyone here has stripped down, wearing simply tank tops and shorts because of the heat. The only one who refuses to change is Alastor, who stands on the construction grounds wearing his long sleeve red pin stripe coat with his long sleeve red and black undershirt. You're shocked to see he hasn't even broken a sweat yet being under this heat, especially since he's wearing a suit that could keep you warm on a cold fall day.

But, you have noticed from time to time him tugging at the collar of his shirt, as his smile appears to struggle staying a smile. Which is enough proof for you that he's just a stubborn red ass that'd rather suffer extreme heat then take his coat off. That suit is literally his skin. He never takes it off.

Everyone else--minus Husker, who only wears his black pants and suspenders without a shirt, though he never wears a shirt due to his cat fur being thick enough to cover anything worth covering--has a T-shirt or tank top. Angel Dust wears a pink crop top that hangs off the left shoulder while wearing a pair of white shorts that has the symbol of a heart on the right leg.

Lucifer wears a yellow T shirt that has the face of a rubber duck on the front, while his shorts are blue. An odd yet cute combination, though everything about Lucifer is a child-like oddity. Vaggie's hair is tied up in a ponytail while she wears a black and grey colored tank top with ripped jean shorts, a black wrap around bracelet on her wrist that has a silver heart charm.

Charlie has her hair tied in a tight braid, being held by a pink scrunchie, while her tank top is a light pink color that goes well with her white shorts colored with black polka dots. Cute combination of clothes, just like her dad.

Niffty though--much like Alastor--wears her same white shirt with a pink skirt, though with your help, you put her hair in a cute bun and tied it with your spider web to keep it in place while she runs frantically back and forth, cleaning, picking up bricks or tools, before suddenly dropping them and running after a sudden bug that appeared in front of her, causing Niffty to completely forget the job she was in the middle of doing.

You wear a pair of green colored shorts that resemble a skirt, going down before stopping a few inches above your knees, while running up to almost your kneecaps is a pair of lace up black boots. Your tank top is black that has the silver-colored symbol of a spider on the front of your chest, while your hair is tied up in a bun, being held in place from a sharp, long, angelic steel needle that has an emerald-green gemstone attached to it. A gift from Carmilla, after you were ranked Overlord.

A couple of times you've caught Angel glancing your way, secretly smirking before playfully blowing you a kiss and winking whenever you catch him staring. Something you're beginning to grow used to, when in the beginning his flirty behavior annoyed the shit out of you.

Now, you don't really mind it, or take it personal. You know that's just him being him, and from time to time, you do admit that you can't help but get a smile from his flirty attitude every now and then, though not very often.

Glancing to your right, you see Charlie standing alone at a wall off in the distance, finishing the final touches of nailing the boards to the foundation, though despite her flicker of cheerfulness that she always has, she appears to be tired to the center of her core. Her eyes look discolored and a little baggy, while beads of sweat run down her brow and her cheeks before falling to the ground beneath everyone's feet.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now