Covert Expedition - Chapter 49

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Zach swiftly charged forward, adopting a low stance as he closed the distance between himself and the unarmed Eldritch, intending to grapple and subdue him.

"Got you, Eldritch" Zach muttered as he rapidly closed in on Eldritch.

Eldritch reacted with a quick jab and cross, but Zach effortlessly evaded, maneuvering behind him to execute a suplex. The impact was so forceful that it caused Eldritch to vomit blood upon hitting the ground.

"AGHH! BASTARD! FUCKING ZACH!" Eldritch groaned in agony as he struggled to recover from the suplex.

Without hesitation, Zach seized Eldritch by the neck, applying pressure to cut off his breath.

"NO! Not... Not again! AGH!" Eldritch protested, attempting to free himself from Zach's powerful grip to no avail.

As Eldritch succumbed to unconsciousness under Zach's chokehold, Ruby'ck watched the swift and decisive battle unfold.

"Zach... Zach!" Ruby'ck called out, witnessing the outcome of the confrontation.

Then Zach turned to Ruby'ck, concern etched on his face. "Are you alright, Ruby'ck? Did he hurt you?"

Zach approached Ruby'ck with gentle urgency, his hand resting comfortingly on her shoulder.

"He... He slapped me," Ruby'ck began, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and concern. "But I'm okay. It's Nert and the others. They're badly hurt by him!"

Tears welled in her eyes, cascading down her cheeks as she spoke. "Zach, where were you? What happened?"

"I... I don't know. It's like I was lost," Zach confessed, his brow furrowing with distress. "I felt... controlled. But I broke free. I'm so sorry."

With a tender touch, Zach wiped away Ruby'ck's tears, his own expression reflecting worry and regret. "I'm sorry for causing you worry. Let's get everyone help," he said, his gaze drifting to their unconscious comrades strewn across the ground.

Zach knelt beside Kazaks and Andhur, carefully inspecting their injuries. "They're bleeding, but it doesn't seem too severe," he remarked, relief evident in his tone.

Ruby'ck hovered anxiously nearby, her worry for their friends palpable. "We need to stop the bleeding," she urged, her voice tinged with urgency.

Zach nodded, his focus shifting to Nert, whose condition appeared far more serious. "Nert's wounds are deep," he observed grimly, his brow furrowing with concern.

"We have to act fast," Ruby'ck agreed, her hands trembling slightly as she reached for the previous cloth to staunch the flow of blood.

Ruby'ck pressed the cloth firmly against Nert's wound, her hands steady despite the tremble of her voice. "We need to stop the bleeding," she repeated, her gaze fixed on Nert's pale face.

Zach nodded in agreement, his expression determined. "Keep applying pressure," he instructed, his voice calm yet authoritative as he worked alongside Ruby'ck.

As they applied pressure to the cloth, their movements synchronized in a seamless rhythm of teamwork and determination. Each moment felt like an eternity, yet they remained steadfast in their efforts to stem the flow of blood and stabilize Nert's condition.

"We can't lose him," Ruby'ck murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes reflecting both fear and resolve.

Zach's grip tightened on the cloth, his jaw set with determination. "We won't," he vowed, his tone unwavering as he shared Ruby'ck's determination to save their friend.

He continued, "Stay here. I'll go do the same to the others," as he tore a strip from his clothes, holding it between his teeth.

With determined steps, Zach approached Kazaks and Andhur, lifting them effortlessly onto his shoulders, their weight seeming inconsequential against his strength. Carrying them with care, he placed them gently beside Nert.

"You three are all going to be alright," Zach reassured them softly as he tended to their minor injuries with the cloth, applying pressure to stop the bleeding.

Once the immediate needs were addressed, Ruby'ck approached Zach, her eyes reflecting gratitude and concern. "Zach... thank you," she said softly, her voice wavering with emotion. "You saved us. You saved them."

Zach's gaze softened as he looked at Ruby'ck, his own emotions raw and visible. "We're a band," he replied, his voice steady but filled with sincerity. "We look out for each other, no matter what."

Together, they remained by their fallen comrades, a silent promise of support and resilience in the face of adversity.

"Here, let me help you," Zach offered, halting the bleeding from Kazaks and Andhur with a firm hand.

Taking the cloth from Ruby'ck's garments, Zach carefully applied pressure to Nert's left torso, his brow furrowed in concern as he observed Nert's unconscious and heavily bleeding form.

"Zach... That man, Eldritch, he managed to overpower Kazaks and Andhur without much effort," Ruby'ck remarked, her voice tinged with worry.

"It's no surprise. Eldritch was one of the few warriors who nearly matched my fighting prowess. He's the one who left this scar on my left eye," Zach revealed, his tone somber. "He's formidable, unlike any ordinary opponent. Thankfully, I arrived in time. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise?" Ruby'ck pressed, sensing Zach's hesitation.

"Otherwise... It doesn't matter now. Let's focus on getting Nert, Kazaks, and Andhur back to the campsite," Zach redirected, completing the wrapping of Nert's wound to stem the bleeding.

With Kazaks and Andhur slung over his shoulders and Nert cradled carefully in his arms, Zach began the journey back.

"Will they truly be alright, Zach?" Ruby'ck asked, unable to shake her worry.

"Kazaks and Andhur, they'll pull through," Zach assured, his voice heavy with concern. "But Nert... he's taken a serious blow. His left arm's been crippled by the spear strikes. The nerves that carry signals from his brain to control movement and sensation are badly damaged. It's disrupted the normal function of his left arm."

Continuing, Zach's brows furrowed with worry. "He won't be able to fight anymore. His left arm... it's permanently paralyzed."

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