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AssalamoAlaikum/ Hi guys!

Sorry to disappoint you, that's not a new chapter. I will update it tomorrow. But the good news is that I will reveal a small snippet from the future chapters of HSH to pique your interest and make you anticipate the book more than ever.

Enjoy ❤

She was very anxious to go to the bed that night. She didn't even know that whether she should head towards the bed or not. Her palms were sweaty and she was trembling in fear of what this night will bring for her.

Many hours hadn't passed when he said those lines to her which made her soul almost leave her body.

"It's always you for everyone. It's always you for everyone who should care for their own blood, their own person. But don't worry; I will act as a perfect husband for you so that they will be rest assured for forever. Someone who will take care of you and become a man who will act as a doting husband for you."

She swallowed hard at the memory of these words. They might seem like a promise a good-to-be husband was making with a girl but she knew the deeper meaning was totally opposite. He loved playing with words and people's minds and this was no exception.

Finally deciding that sharing a bed with him would not be a wise choice, she walked towards the couch. But she was stopped by his raspy voice in the middle of her track.

"Where are you going?"

She turned around and the dark look in his eyes made her shiver. "I...I am..."

"This isn't a movie or a novel that you girls fantasize about. It's the real life. I want you here."

She gulped but seeing the resolve in his eyes, she stepped towards the bed. She turned the lamp off and settled on the far corner of the bed.

"Come here," he murmured, opening his palm in front of her eyes. When she didn't oblige due to shock, surprise, and shyness, he snaked one arm around her waist and pulled her towards him.

"Let's become a wife and a man in the true sense."

New covers had been updated for all of my books. Have a look. 💙 I hope you will like them and this snippet. 💕💕💕

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