09 | rich kid

16 1 0

Olivier was sent off with Takehiro and Fabio and it felt weird to be amongst the injured, as he didn't feel injured. Albert was coaching them for today but more personalized than Olivier would expect. After all, they were all at different parts in their recovery.

"Alright, now just because you're all hurt doesn't mean this isn't going to be hard." Albert assured them and Olivier shook his head.

"I'm not hurt." He repeated, as he'd already said that a few times today. The older three chuckled at his spirit and they didn't correct him, as concussed people were very emotional.

"We'll start with just a few laps around the pitch, keeping it at a 7:00 pace." Albert said and they were off. 7:00 was a crazy amount of time, so Olivier went ahead and did it in four. Fabio and Takehiro actually paid attention though.

"Only one more for you if you keep that up, three more for you guys." Albert said and they left for their second.

After the laps, they all hit the gym for some aerobic activities. Albert left them on their own and left them back to training. By the end of training that day, Olivier, Fabio, and Takehiro actually became good friends. Olivier spoke both of their languages so they liked hearing him speak like that. Japanese with a French accent is actually pretty funny.

"Willo, did you know Fabio's got siblings the same age as us?" Olivier asked and Willo looked surprised.

"No, I've actually never asked Fabio how old his siblings are." He said sarcastically and Olivier rolled his eyes.

"I didn't know you hated Fabio." Olivier said and they were walking out of Colney together once again.

"I hate you, not Fabio." Willo clarified and Olivier smiled.

"You ready for tomorrow?" Willo changed the subject and Olivier was confused.

"What?" Olivier asked as if his confusion wasn't showing already.

"Mikel did not tell you? You're flying with us the Eindhoven" Willo recalled which only made Olivier more confused. Why would he go to PSV with them?

"Have you not packed yet?" Willo askedz

"No? I didn't know I was going!" Olivier yelled and Willo laughed a bit.

"Of course, you can't stay here alone. Mikel's letting you on the bench. Man, I thought you were friends?" Willo didn't know why everything he just said Olivier was hearing for the first time.

"Guess I didn't think of that. I'll go now." Olivier shrugged and was about to head up another floor to the bedrooms. He was on the second lounge floor.

"No you're not." Willo told him and grabbed his tiny wrist. Olivier had pretty small hands.

"What?" Olivier asked and Willo chuckled as if it were obvious.

"I will pack for you. Just take a break, we're leaving in a few hours." Olivier knew the last part, but didn't mind being reminded.

"Ok but since you're packing that means I get to make dinner." Olivier threatened and Willo shrugged. He knew that Olivier made a better cook than him.

"I don't see a problem with that." Willo answered and Olivier smiled.

"Thank you, you won't regret it." Olivier put his hands together and bowed in front of Willo. Olivier decided to make kebabs, it wasn't a French dish, but he always made it to thank his family and that's what he was doing for Willo.

Olivier ran up the next two flights of stairs and Willo knew it wasn't a good idea. However, Olivier caught his footing before he could fall. Willo smiled as he heard his brother assure him.

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