Episode 1.4 : The Great Escape

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When Gemma regained consciousness, she was met with a scene of horror. Her entire village was ablaze, and Fosts were fleeing in every direction, desperate to save their lives. Among the chaos, lifeless bodies of Fosts were scattered about, a grim testament to the destruction.

As Fosts fled, beams of light pierced through their chests, instantly killing or injuring them. Amidst the chaos, Gemma attempted to move, but she realized she couldn't feel her lower body. She had been injured in the fall. Then, thoughts of her mother and sister consumed her, and she searched frantically for them. At first, she couldn't locate them, but then she spotted the shattered remnants of her mother's prison. Her heart sank as she saw her mother's lifeless body between the wreckage and fire. She was dead.

Despite knowing the truth, Gemma called out to her mother, unable to accept her loss

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Despite knowing the truth, Gemma called out to her mother, unable to accept her loss. Then, she desperately searched and called for her little sister, but there was no response. Amidst the chaos of the fleeing Fosts and the noise of screams and cries, it was nearly impossible to hear anything.

Gemma found herself facing a soldier in a white metal suit, armed with a futuristic gun. Without hesitation, the soldier aimed the weapon at Gemma, poised to fire.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Michael intervened, leaping into action and engaging in a fierce struggle with the soldier

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Suddenly, out of nowhere, Michael intervened, leaping into action and engaging in a fierce struggle with the soldier.

Despite Michael's brave efforts, the soldier proved to be stronger, nearly overpowering him. Gemma's desperate cries for the violence to stop seemed to halt the soldier momentarily. Seizing the opportunity, Michael quickly disarmed the soldier, delivering a fatal blow that felled him to the ground.

Michael attempted to lift Gemma, but she resisted, insisting that he search for his sister first. However, Michael seriously acknowledged that she likely perished in the prison's cage collapse.

"I'm not leaving without finding my sister," Gemma said firmly.

With time running out and danger everywhere, Michael lifted Gemma in his hands, determined to lead her to safety. Despite her protests and desperate cries for her sister, Michael stayed strong, pushing through the debris toward the safety of the forest.

As they fled the fire and dodged beams of light from futuristic guns streaking past them, Gemma's heart hurt for her lost sister. She watched in horror as fellow Fosts, running in the same direction, were hit by the beams and fell towards the ground.

 She watched in horror as fellow Fosts, running in the same direction, were hit by the beams and fell towards the ground

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Gemma wondered if it was all just a terrible nightmare. As Michael led her deeper into the forest, they found refuge beneath the roots of a large tree, hiding from the soldiers who pursued them to finish their deadly task.

In the spooky silence of their hiding spot, they listened helplessly as the screams of mothers and children echoed through the forest, followed by the chilling sound of laser shots that silenced them forever.

As they huddled in silence, Gemma noticed Michael praying to the great spirits of the forest for safety. However, this angered Gemma, still haunted by the nightmare she had endured. Suddenly, they heard footsteps drawing near, signaling the approach of the soldiers. With held breath, they feared discovery with each passing moment.

The soldiers' unfamiliar language filled the air as they talked nearby, their words incomprehensible to Gemma and Michael. Then, one soldier peered into their hiding place, locking eyes with Gemma. In a moment of desperation, the word "invincible" flashed through Gemma's mind, and she uttered it aloud."

To their amazement, the soldier hesitated, then turned to his comrades, declaring that no one was there!

To their amazement, the soldier hesitated, then turned to his comrades, declaring that no one was there!

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