Covert Expedition - Chapter 58

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As night settled over the Ember Wind village, the members of the Shadowed Symphony retreated to their accommodations, a spacious wooden house provided by the villagers.

"Ugh, what a day," Leeani groaned, flopping onto a nearby chair.

"Tell me about it," Yzavynne chimed in, slumping against the wall.

"Shh, you two. We don't want to disturb Qarek and Jiighual's beauty sleep," Kazaks whispered loudly, earning an eye roll from Leeani.

While Qarek and Jiighual snored peacefully in their beds, Kazaks, Leeani, and Yzavynne struggled to find sleep. Meanwhile, Andhur played his flute outside, serenading the night, with Nert by his side, listening intently. Gargeal stood by the shore, entranced by the rhythmic lapping of the waves, while Zach and Ruby took a leisurely stroll through the village, familiarizing themselves with their new surroundings.

"Hey, Nert, mind if I borrow you for a moment?" Lyra's voice cut through the tranquil night, catching Nert and Andhur's attention.

Nert turned to Lyra with curiosity. "Sure, what's up?"

"The village shaman, Seraphina, wants to check on your wounds," Lyra explained.

"Ah, perfect timing. I'll catch up with you later, Andhur. Don't play too loudly without me," Nert joked, earning a chuckle from Andhur.

"Of course, I'll save the best tunes for you," Andhur replied with a grin.

With a nod, Nert rose from his spot, joining Lyra as she led the way to the Shaman's hut, navigating the maze of buildings with ease.

As they walked through the winding paths of the village, Lyra and Nert exchanged casual conversation, their voices soft against the backdrop of the night.

"So, Nert, how are you finding our village so far?" Lyra inquired, glancing at him with genuine curiosity.

Nert grinned, shifting the strap of his bag slightly for comfort. "This place feels different from what I'm accustomed to, but in a good way. There's a peacefulness to it that just feels right."

Lyra nodded, appreciating his observation. "Yeah, Ember Wind has that effect on people. It's a peaceful place, despite all the excitement we've had lately."

"Indeed, the excitement seems to follow us wherever we go," Nert remarked with a chuckle. "But it's nice to have a moment of quiet amidst all the chaos."

Their footsteps echoed softly on the cobblestone path as they continued their stroll, the gentle rustle of leaves in the night breeze providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation.

"I must say, Lyra, you seem quite skilled with that spear of yours," Nert commented, gesturing to the weapon slung over her shoulder.

Lyra grinned, a hint of pride in her voice. "Thanks, it's been my constant companion for as long as I can remember. Comes in handy, especially when dealing with troublemakers."

Nert chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. "I get it. Having a dependable weapon by your side is always reassuring."

As they neared the Shaman's hut, their conversation drifted to lighter topics, their voices mingling with the sounds of the night as they continued their leisurely stroll through the village. As they approached Seraphina's hut, the soft glow of flickering candles spilled from its windows, casting a warm glow onto the path. Seraphina stood outside, her silhouette outlined against the gentle light, a serene smile on her face as she welcomed them.

"Ah, Nert, it's good to see you," Seraphina greeted him, her voice soft and soothing. "Come inside, I'll take a look at those wounds of yours, Nert."

Nert nodded gratefully, following Seraphina into the cozy interior of the hut. Lyra lingered outside for a moment, admiring the peaceful ambiance of the village at night.

"Lyra, won't you join us?" Seraphina called from inside, her voice inviting.

Lyra hesitated for a moment before stepping inside, the warm glow of the candles enveloping her as she entered. She took a seat beside Nert, watching as Seraphina began her healing rituals with practiced ease.

"So, Nert, how did you come to join the Shadowed Symphony?" Seraphina asked, her tone gentle as she tended to his wounds.

Nert smiled, recounting his journey with the band as Lyra listened intently, the flickering candlelight casting shadows on the walls of the hut.

"It's been quite the adventure," Nert admitted, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "But I'm grateful to have found a home among such a diverse and talented group of individuals."

"Hmm," Seraphina said as she began by carefully unwrapping the bandages from Nert's arm, revealing the wound underneath. With practiced hands, she inspected the injury, murmuring soft incantations under her breath as she assessed the damage.

Next, Seraphina reached for a small mortar and pestle, grinding together a selection of dried herbs and plants gathered from the surrounding forest. The fragrant aroma of the herbs filled the room, their soothing scent mingling with the warm glow of the candles.

Once the mixture was prepared, Seraphina applied it to Nert's wound, gently massaging the herbal paste into his skin with slow, deliberate motions. As she worked, she murmured ancient chants, calling upon the healing energies of the earth and sky to aid in the restoration of Nert's arm.

With each passing moment, the pain in Nert's arm began to subside, replaced by a comforting warmth that spread through his body. Seraphina's touch was gentle yet powerful, her knowledge of herbal remedies and ancient healing arts evident in every movement.

Finally, as the last traces of the herbal paste were absorbed into Nert's skin, Seraphina bound his arm with fresh bandages, securing them with a firm yet gentle touch. She offered him a reassuring smile, her eyes filled with compassion and wisdom.

"There, all done," Seraphina said softly, her voice carrying a sense of peace and tranquility. "Rest now, and allow the healing energies of the earth to do their work. You'll be feeling better in no time."

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