Covert Expedition - Chapter 59

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"I may not possess the same level of expertise as the necromancer from the Luminary Tower, but my remedies should alleviate the pain and weakness caused by your deep wounds," Seraphina remarked calmly, meticulously cleaning the materials she had used.

"Thank you, Seraphina," Nert replied gratefully, observing Seraphina as she tidied her workspace.

Meanwhile, Lyra's curiosity was piqued by Nert's earlier comment, prompting her to inquire further.

"So, Nert, you mentioned earlier that you and your comrades have been fighting since childhood, is that right?" Lyra asked, her interest evident in her tone.

"Yes, that's correct. Why do you ask?" Nert responded, puzzled by Lyra's sudden line of questioning during the healing procedure.

"Oh, it's nothing, really. I just find it intriguing that despite your formidable skills, you choose not to align yourselves with established kingdoms like Aetheria or Drakonium. With your level of expertise, you could easily find lucrative work serving under the kings, earning handsome rewards for each successful mission," Lyra remarked, her words tinged with curiosity and a hint of suggestion.

She continued, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and admiration, "I haven't had the chance to witness your skills firsthand, but the sheer number of scars adorning your bodies speaks volumes. It's evident that you're seasoned warriors, individuals who have weathered countless battles."

Nert nodded solemnly, confirming her assessment. "Indeed, we are seasoned warriors. However, our captain, Zach, has chosen to forgo affiliations with the kingdoms, though he hasn't disclosed his reasons to us yet."

"Your captain? Why follow someone who keeps his motives hidden?" Lyra inquired, her brow furrowing in confusion.

Nert's expression softened as he explained, "Because he saved us from a brutal bandit raid. Each of us had our villages ravaged by those marauders years ago, leaving us feeling helpless and scarred. But Zach came to our rescue, despite being our age. He had a mentor, Gargeal, the man with the gray hair, who imparted invaluable knowledge and skills to us. From basic survival techniques to combat prowess, Gargeal taught us everything we needed to navigate and survive in this unforgiving world."

"Which one of those guys earlier?" Lyra queried, her curiosity piqued.

Nert nodded in response. "That would be master Gargeal, the man with the grey hair. He's our mentor, our guide in this harsh world."

"Gargeal? What did he teach you?" Lyra pressed further, intrigued by the mention of this enigmatic figure.

Nert took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding. "Gargeal imparted to us a myriad of essential skills and knowledge crucial for survival. From the basics like cooking, to the intricacies of hunting, fighting, scouting, and weaponry. He taught us combat techniques, how to handle various equipment, and the nuances of different types of weapons. His teachings were comprehensive, preparing us for the myriad challenges we might encounter."

Seraphina, having finished tidying up her tools, settled into a nearby chair, quietly observing the exchange between Nert and Lyra.

"Wow, I never would've guessed," Lyra exclaimed, her surprise evident in her tone. "That man sounds like a walking encyclopedia."

Nodding in agreement, Seraphina chimed in, "Indeed, it's rare to encounter someone with such a breadth of knowledge and skills."

Lyra turned her attention to Seraphina. "Do you know him, Seraphina?"

Seraphina nodded. "No, I haven't heard of someone named Gargeal. He's quite mysterious person huh? I believe those who have crossed paths with him speak highly of his wisdom and capabilities."

Nert interjected, "He's more than just a mentor to us. Gargeal like a father-figure to us, guiding us through the trials and tribulations of life."

Lyra furrowed her brows in thought. "But doesn't it bother you, not knowing his true intentions?"

Nert shrugged. "Captain Zach's? Not really. Captain Zach has proven himself time and time again. He's earned our trust through his actions, not just his words."

Seraphina nodded in agreement. "Trust is a powerful thing, especially in times of uncertainty. It speaks volumes about the bond between you and your captain."

Lyra leaned back, contemplating their words. "You know, it's fascinating to hear about the dynamics within your group. It's like a tale straight out of a legend."

Seraphina turned her gaze to Nert, concern etched on her features. "Nert, how are you feeling now? Is the pain subsiding?"

Nert offered a small smile. "Much better, thank you, Seraphina. Your healing rituals work wonders."

Seraphina nodded approvingly. "Good to hear. But remember, you still need plenty of rest to fully recover. Don't overexert yourself."

Nert nodded in agreement. "I won't, I promise. Thank you for your care, Seraphina."

With a gentle smile, Seraphina rose from her chair. "Of course, Nert. Now, I suggest you head back to the house and get some rest. Your body needs time to heal."

Nert nodded gratefully and stood up, ready to follow Seraphina's advice. "I'll do just that. Thank you again, Seraphina."

As Nert made his way back to the house, Seraphina watched him go, her heart filled with a sense of satisfaction knowing that she had helped ease his pain.

"Lyra, have you ever heard of a man named Gargeal?" Seraphina inquired, her tone laced with curiosity as she settled into a seat nearby.

"Gargeal? You mean one of the members of the Shadowed Symphony?" Lyra responded, her interest piqued.

"Not quite. I'm referring to the legend of Gargeal. The tale tells of a knight who single-handedly brought down the Kingdom of Solaria and vanquished the entire army of the King of the Gruu'l Max. I've heard whispers of his story from travelers who passed through here," Seraphina explained, her voice carrying the weight of ancient tales.

"Whoa, wait! Are you saying that the Gargeal we saw earlier is the same as the legendary figure you're referring to!?" Lyra exclaimed, rising from her seat in astonishment.

"It's hard to say for sure. The descriptions don't match entirely. The legend speaks of a man with blonde hair and black eyes, whereas the Gargeal we met has grey hair and blue eyes. Perhaps it's just a coincidence," Seraphina mused, her gaze drifting off into the distance.

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