11 | buildup

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The buildup to the Liverpool match was almost unbearable. It was first place vs second place and either way, only one team would be happy on Christmas. The practice was to be extremely tough and everyone was slightly nervous.

"Let's do this." Olivier said and let out a breath. They were taking a short break and so Olivier was racing Martin.

The managers were off in their usual area, discussing workouts for when the team went back to the gym after training. Olivier didn't know that he was about to see a lot of the gym. The women and the men traded places as the men headed inside to workout. Olivier liked the gym, certainly not as much as the pitch though. Football was his first love.

"Olivier, come do these reps with me?" Declan offered and Olivier accepted. Declan was alone as everyone was already paired off.

They had a small conversation of no importance as they did their set. Olivier had already missed his train so he had to wait forty minutes for the next. Since the women just started, he decided that maybe he could go and watch them.

All the men had left by that point and the academy kids were just starting to take the west pitch. But Olivier headed out to meet some fellow Arsenal teammates. He had heard lots about them and lots about Jonas Eidevall. All was good and he was impressed by their training.

"Vivi!" Lia shouted. Olivier knew most of them of course, as they were at the same club. But he'd never actually talked to any of them.

One of the assistant coaches noticed Olivier. He whispered over to Jonas who looked in Olivier's direction. He seemed completely knocked out of his team watching trance. The Swede outstretched his arms toward the Frenchman and smiled at him.

"Olivier Milan! How I've heard so much of you." Jonas said and Olivier took that as an invitation to join them.

"Have you really?" Olivier was slightly surprised. A world famous women's coach knew of a world famous men's player.

"It's hard not to nowadays." Jonas admitted and Olivier appreciated his honesty.

"I hear that." Olivier said and tipped a fake glass. He felt the same way and didn't like hearing about himself over and over again.

"So what brings you to see us?" Jonas asked, he seemed a lot like Mikel. Olivier liked him already.

"I'm not completely sure. Just wanted to check out the competition here I suppose." Olivier shrugged and Jonas chuckled. His team was good, but no man could even say they had beat Olivier, even fewer women.

"Well, by all means. I will not kick you out, just don't become a distraction and we'll be good and happy." Jonas told him and Olivier smiled. Jonas was like all Swedes, brutally honest.

He knew of most of them; however, Beth Mead was very popular, so he knew a lot about her. He was mostly watching Beth. It was pretty fun actually, but he left early to catch his tube.

He had another charity thing with school children in Islington today. After his charity with Ryan, it reminded him of just how fun it could be. So today he was going to Oak Lodge School in Finchley to meet with their year 9-12's.

That was where Olivier would be, but obviously he wasn't. Kate planned it that way though for other reasons. The public school previously offered no sports and the Arsenal foundation worked with them to change that. Today though, Olivier was with Samir. Samir was the head of Arsenal community projects.

"Alright, so all you've got to do is officially open their new aquatics center and pitch and then I'll take a few questions." Samir told him. He had a very calming voice.

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