13 | domestic life

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"You ready, kid? Big day." David points out as they load into the car.

"I guess so. I really just need to get home." Olivier sighed and they began their drive.

"Why would that be?" David asked.

"Well for one, my sister is dying of cancer. And because of that, I want to get better for her to see me play again. Also, I need to be in these Olympics if I want a chance of rejoining the national team. Plus, I need to get back to living alone. Willo acts like I'm such a baby." Olivier ranted. David just realized how bad this kid's life was.

"Don't worry, Olivier. I'm sure you can do it." More sympathy that Olivier just didn't need.

"Ok, I'm gonna stay with you for an hour and I'll come back tonight with the family to check up." David told Olivier who nodded.

"Sounds like a plan." Olivier nodded. David nodded and helped him to the room, the nurse helped more of course, but David was there for support.

"Dr. Rowe will be with you soon to explain everything." She said, Olivier snickered a bit at her accent and David slapped his arm. She didn't care though and left the room to go get the doctor.

"Hey, we're the ones with accents here. Don't question them." David instructed the kid who nodded. David was pretty good with kids after raising four.

"D'accord, d'accord!" Olivier defended and put his hands up. David laughed at the French boy. He had never met a French person, other than Thierry Henry. He adored Thierry Henry.

They kept talking for a few minutes in the room. The last time Olivier was in the hospital was when he was stabbed in the alleyway. It felt so long ago now, with all his trauma, it was hard to remember as well.

"Hi guys, I'm Dr. Rowe, but you can call me John." A man said, he walked in with the nurse. He seemed pretty young for a world class doctor and they were both impressed.

"Hello John, I'm David. This is my friend Olivier Milan, as you surely know. And I'm sure that you will take great care of him today so that he can return to play as soon as possible." David said and put a hand on Olivier's back. Olivier smiled goofily and John laughed.

"Of course, David. That's my job. And Olivier Milan, you probably know that I've worked on your friend before, right?" John asked and Olivier nodded.

"Well how's she doing? She was quite lovely." He said the last part in a British accent. Olivier laughed his French laugh. John clearly was trying to make him laugh before he had surgery, with the mocking of David.

"Hey, I don't talk like that." David defended.

"Why, of course you did. But he doesn't have a British accent anymore, you Americans have rubbed off on him." Olivier told his point of view and John shook his head.

"I disagree, he seems authentic to me." John argued and they both stared at David weirdly. David looked back and forth between the two in the room with him.

"So I'm too American to be British-?" He asked and Olivier nodded. Then he turned his head over to John.

"But I'm too British to be American-?" He asked his second question and John nodded.

"Man, I cannot win. I'll leave you two." David said and waved goodbye to John.

"Well, Mr. Saliba. Now that the wannabe is gone, we are free to chat." John took a seat on the chair beside Olivier's bed.

"And here comes the bad part." Olivier rolled his eyes and John shook his hands. He was laughing under his breath and Olivier could tell.

"Oh, no. I would argue it's pretty good. See her, on your scan you can see it's only a minor rupture in the ACL. Now typically, a player at your level would be out for seven months with a rupture like this." John began and handed the pictures over.

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