Covert Expedition - Chapter 78

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Nert's expression darkened as he absorbed Sanaage and Elara's heartbreaking tale, his empathy mingling with a sense of guilt.

"Xertu!" Sanaage's voice boomed, commanding attention.

Xertu rose to his knees, retrieving his halberd and positioning himself beside Sanaage, his eyes reflecting a determination fueled by vengeance.

"Let's end this now. Let's just kill him while sparing only Zach" Xertu proposed, his voice brimming with resolve.

"Great idea! I don't give a damn about Ybael's gold anymore! THIS IS PERSONAL!" Sanaage's declaration echoed through the air as he charged towards Nert, urging Xertu to cover him as they advanced.

Sanaage's machete cleaved through the air with precision, each strike a testament to his prowess, but Nert, despite being outnumbered, moved like a shadow, sidestepping and ducking with uncanny agility. With each dodge, he seemed to mock Sanaage's efforts, his taunting grin only fueling Sanaage's fury.

As Xertu joined the fray, swinging his halberd in wide arcs, Nert's movements became even more fluid. He danced between their attacks, his footwork graceful yet purposeful, as if he were engaged in a deadly dance. With a swift pivot, he avoided Xertu's strike, the halberd whistling through the air mere inches from his body.

Undeterred, Sanaage and Xertu pressed on, their attacks relentless. But Nert remained elusive, his evasion almost effortless. With each dodge, he seemed to grow more confident, his movements becoming more fluid and precise.

Meanwhile, Elara, having recovered from Nert's earlier blow, watched the skirmish with a mixture of awe and concern. She knew her brother and Xertu were skilled warriors, but Nert's agility was proving to be a formidable challenge.

The battle raged on, the clash of metal and grunts of exertion filling the air. Despite their numerical advantage, Sanaage and Xertu found themselves unable to land a single blow on their elusive opponent. Nert, on the other hand, seemed to be biding his time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike back.

Suddenly, with a lightning-quick movement, Nert seized his moment. As Sanaage and Xertu overextended their attacks, he slipped past their defenses, delivering a swift kick to Sanaage's midsection and a well-aimed punch to Xertu's jaw.

The impact sent Sanaage staggering backward, gasping for breath, while Xertu stumbled, his vision momentarily blurred. Seizing the opportunity, Nert launched himself forward, his movements a blur of speed and precision.

Caught off guard, Sanaage and Xertu could only watch helplessly as Nert's fist connected with each of their faces in rapid succession, sending them crashing to the ground in a daze.

As the dust settled, Nert stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion but his resolve unbroken.

As Sanaage slowly stirred, his eyes fluttered open, his gaze filled with a mixture of anger and pain as he looked upon Nert. "You... You..." he began, his voice trembling with emotion as he struggled to find the words to convey his feelings.

Nert approached him, his movements cautious and his voice soft with remorse. "I apologize," he whispered, his words carrying the weight of his regret.

Sanaage's eyes widened in disbelief, his mind reeling from the unexpected apology. "Eh... eh..?" he muttered, his voice barely audible amidst the chaos of his thoughts.

With a calm demeanor, Nert continued, "I'm sorry, Sanaage. I'm sorry for the pain you've endured, for the hardships you've faced. I'm sorry that your fate has led you to this moment."

Haerak burst into the house, his breath ragged from the frantic sprint to arrive in time, his heart pounding with urgency as he surveyed the scene before him.

"Nert!" he exclaimed, relief flooding his voice as he took in the sight of the three Aetherian warriors lying on the ground.

"Thank the stars you're alright," Haerak breathed, his tone filled with gratitude and concern.

"Chief," Nert greeted calmly, his demeanor composed despite the chaos surrounding them.

Haerak's brow furrowed with worry as he assessed the situation. "Wait, you already defeated them. That's good, but how do we clean up this mess? We can't risk the other warriors finding them here," he mused aloud, his mind racing with thoughts of potential consequences.

Nert's response was swift and practical. "We'll need to gag them, bind their limbs with ropes to immobilize them," he suggested calmly, his voice steady despite the gravity of their predicament.

Haerak nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on Sanaage's machete. "I'll grab the necessary materials," he declared, determination etched into every line of his face.

"We should move quic---," Nert urged, his movements deliberate as he made his way to the door, Haerak following closely behind.

As Nert stood ready to speak, his words were silenced by a sudden, devastating blow. Haerak's betrayal came without warning, his grip on Sanaage's machete filled with raw determination as he drove it into Nert's chest with merciless force.

"Uh..." Nert gasped, the pain shooting through him as the blade pierced his flesh.

"I've waited too long for this moment, to seek vengeance for my wife and child," Haerak's voice trembled with emotion as he spoke, his eyes reflecting the weight of his sorrow and anger.

"Haerak..." Nert's voice was barely a whisper, tinged with disbelief and hurt, blood pooling in his mouth with each labored breath.

"We've stood side by side for nearly a year, but this must be done. For the sake of my family," Haerak's words were heavy with resolve as he drove the machete deeper into Nert's chest.

"I... I'm sorry... Haerak... I'm... sorry, everyone... Cap-- Captain... Zach... Seraphina..." Nert's voice wavered with pain and regret, his strength fading with each passing moment.

With a wrenching motion, Haerak withdrew the machete from Nert's chest, leaving him to crumple to the ground in a pool of his own blood, his breaths growing shallow and weak.

Sanaage's eyes widened in disbelief and shock as he witnessed the brutal scene unfolding before him, one of the Renaissance rebels collapsing in a pool of his own blood.

"Hey, you," Haerak's voice cut through the air, filled with a chilling resolve. "Deliver the final blow. Avenge the death of your parents. Right here, right now," he commanded, turning to look down at Sanaage, who lay on the ground, paralyzed by the weight of the moment.

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