Covert Expedition - Chapter 80

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Sanaage then proceeded to recount the events that unfolded while Xertu and Elara were unconscious.

"Chief, you've got guts for taking down one of those rebels. Gotta hand it to you, that's a bold move," Xertu remarked with a chuckle.

Haerak waved it off, his tone firm. "Just get rid of  that young man's body in my village and be done with it. Now, you can take him and deliver him to Ybael," he instructed as Xertu lifted Nert's lifeless form.

Curious, Elara turned to Sanaage, her eyes wide. "How much gold will Ybael give us for him, big bro?" she inquired.

Sanaage paused, recalling the reward. "I think it's ten gold bars. Either way, that's enough to live decently in Aetheria for a whole year," he responded, his voice tinged with anticipation.

"Ten gold bars! I must be dreaming, right? Someone, please, wake me up from this dream!" Elara exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief and excitement.

"This is real, Elara! It's as real as the ground beneath our feet and the air we breathe! We're rich beyond our wildest dreams! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Xertu declared triumphantly, his voice booming as he carried Nert's body on his shoulder like a trophy of their victory.

Turning to Sanaage, Xertu posed a question, "So, what's our next move? Should we track down the other rebels, or should we just cash in our reward and retire peacefully?"

"We could live comfortably with all that gold, but I've been thinking. What if we become King Thalorin's Royal Knights? We'd have honor, respect, and a steady income," Sanaage suggested.

Xertu's eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect, "That sounds amazing! Being Royal Knights would be a dream come true! We'd be respected and feared throughout the kingdom!"

However, his tone shifted as he turned to Sanaage, a hint of concern in his voice, "But Sanaage, what about your revenge? Are you really willing to give it up after just one kill?"

The atmosphere inside the house suddenly grew heavy, each breath seemed to echo louder as all eyes turned towards Sanaage. His chin was lowered, brows furrowed in deep thought, a heavy silence enveloping the room.

"Revenge... What good does it really do?" Sanaage's voice broke the stillness, carrying a weight of introspection and sorrow. "Being a warrior means taking lives, and in turn, losing those you hold dear. It's a cruel cycle, one I've been blind to until now."

With a sigh, he continued, his tone tinged with regret, "I realize now how futile it is to chase after revenge. It only brings more pain and suffering. It's time to let go of this quest and move on."

Xertu, Elara, and Haerak paused, absorbing the weight of Sanaage's words.

"Right on, Sanaage! You've always led the way, and we've always followed. You're the leader of our trio, after all!" Xertu exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face.

"Yeah, big bro! Big bro Xertu's got it! Lead the charge, and we'll be right behind you, following your lead!" Elara chimed in, her eyes bright with excitement.

Sanaage's expression softened at their words, a flicker of gratitude crossing his features. "You two..." he began, his tone gentle.

Then, with a sudden burst of energy, Sanaage's demeanor shifted. "Let's do this! Off we go, on our journey as Royal Knights! On my command!"

However, their laughter was interrupted by Haerak's voice, bringing a sobering reminder of their task at hand. "So, when do you plan to depart? It's nearing midnight, and you're still here. Hurry up and leave. And make sure to take credit for the young man's demise. I don't want my village involved in any further conflicts," he urged, handing them clothing to cover Nert's body.

"We're about to head out now. Thanks for making our task easier. We won't forget your help," Sanaage assured him.

"Cover his face and body, and clean up any traces of blood. We don't want the villagers to know what happened here," Haerak instructed, his tone serious.

"Got it!" Xertu replied, taking the clothing.

The trio carefully wrapped Nert's body, concealing his face and form, and meticulously cleaned the floor of any bloodstains.

"And... finished!" Xertu declared.

"Ready to roll!" Elara added.

"We're off then. Thank you, once again," Sanaage said gratefully.

With that, Xertu, Elara, and Sanaage departed from the house, leaving behind their temporary shelter and setting out on their journey.

"I had the perfect chance to end him, leaving the credit to them for Nert's demise without the other rebels catching wind of the truth," Haerak reflected, his voice heavy with the weight of his past.

"But there are still nine more of them out there," he continued, his resolve burning bright. "I swear, I'll make them pay for what they did to my wife and child."

Haerak pondered quietly, his mind racing as he contemplated how to mask Nert's abrupt absence from the village. "I'll have to come up with a story," he muttered, pacing the floor with furrowed brows.

"Perhaps I'll tell them he grew impatient and went on a hunting trip alone, or that I assigned him an urgent mission that demanded his immediate attention," he contemplated, stroking his chin as he pondered his options.

"That might work. But I'll need a few reliable villagers to back up the story, to give it credibility and substance. It should hold up until his absence fades into obscurity," Haerak reasoned.

"Oh, and Seraphina... Those two were quite close..." Haerak murmured, his thoughts drifting to the bond between Nert and Seraphina.

With a deep sigh, "Any mistake could undo everything. Nert's disappearance must remain a mystery, at least for now."

Xertu, Elara, and Sanaage, along with the other warriors, retreated to their ship and set sail, leaving Haerak alone on the shore, watching their departure with a mixture of relief and contemplation.

"Whew, I was worried we might not make it out of that one alive. But man, what a brawl! That blondie nearly had us, but he got what was coming to him! HA HA HA HA HA!" Xertu exclaimed, his laughter echoing across the quiet shoreline.

"Absolutely! That guy didn't stand a chance!" Elara chimed in, her voice filled with satisfaction.

Sanaage, seated nearby, turned to glance at Nert's lifeless form on the ground, his expression somber as he muttered, "I just hope their captain doesn't come hunting us down, seeking vengeance for what happened here."

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