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He was leaving but it felt like my heart was about to explode out of my chest. I never felt this disappointed ever. Not even when I got divorce papers as a wedding present.

I once saw this house falling apart. That was when Haider Bhai left us. And now once again this was happening. But right now, it included my heart as well which was crying tears of blood. I once realized my life without Huzaifa and that was when my marriage was arranged. But I quickly got over it as my lungs stopped breathing. At that time, I prayed to Allah that either take Huzaifa's love out of my heart which could make me forget him, or else I would not get to bear a second without him. Maybe my prayer had been answered in this way that Sarim was proved to be a fraud as Huzaifa's love was still fresh as a blooming flower in my heart. But now. What was happening?

She left the diary and walked out of her room. Her heart was coming into her throat. Yesterday morning, Huzaifa had left empty-handed against all odds. Tashfeen didn't want to take a step back and Huzaifa wanted to seek this adventure with all his might.

Unaiza came into the kitchen and found Ishmal there, cooking tea. She looked at her and stopped moving the spatula in the pot.

"Would you like to have some tea, Unaiza? I am preparing for everyone else," she asked.

She shook her head. "How is Aqia Mama?"

"A bit better since last night. Haider is taking care of her. I can't believe something like this has already happened. Abbu is furious on the other hand that Huzaifa isn't joining his business and wants to pursue a showbiz career out of all the fields. Did you know what Huzaifa was up to by the way? Did he ever tell you?" Ishmal questioned her, as she poured the tea carefully into two cups.

She remained quiet at this. Yes, she knew it. But Huzaifa had always asked her to not reveal it to anyone.

"I knew about his fondness but I never imagined that things would take this drastic step," she mumbled, shrugging her shoulders.

"Yes you are right," Ishmal sighed. "I saw his modeling pictures. He really looked nice and to be honest, I always got such vibes from him as he was someone who was born talented. So sad that Huzaifa has to leave the house to fulfill his dreams. I hope Abbu will let him come back."

"Do you think this will happen, Bhabi?" Unaiza bit her lower lip in apprehension.

Ishmal put the sugar pot in the tray. "Haider is trying to appease Abbu and talk to Huzaifa too. I am sure he will find a way. Huzaifa is everyone's beloved; that's what I gathered by living among you guys."

"Hopefully," she whispered. "Give this to me, Bhabi. I will serve the tea."

Ishmal lifted a brow. "Are you sure?"

Unaiza nodded with a smile and got hold of the tray before stepping into the lounge. There she found Aqia and Haider while Tashfeen was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he had resumed his office while Haider stayed at home for his mother's sake.

"Mom, don't worry. Everything will be fine," Haider asserted, trying to pacify her.

"How will this happen, Haider? He has gone without anything. He doesn't even have a single penny or phone with him. How will he survive?" Aqia answered back, sobbing hard.

"Let him achieve his passion in his own way, Mom. There are hardships everywhere. Huzaifa has chosen this field for himself. And I know even if Dad agrees now, he won't come back. He is rebellious and audacious so the best is to let him do what he wants. He will be fine. I will not let him roam like this. I will keep track of his whereabouts and activity from my sources," he explained, as a matter of fact.

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