Covert Expedition - Chapter 81

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"So, what's the next move with Nert while the other Renaissance rebels are away?" Haerak murmured to himself, gazing out at the vast expanse of the ocean.

A prolonged silence enveloped him as he cast his gaze over the tranquil expanse of the ocean, searching for inspiration amidst the rhythmic ebb and flow of the waves. 

"I should've kept my mind control over Zach longer, but I lost control too soon, allowing him to step in and save Nert and the others from that Eldritch assailant. Zach's mental strength... it's just unreal. The brief attempt I made to manipulate him during the ambush by those two guys earlier, planning to interrupt while watching them from a distance in the dense forest showed me that. I barely held on for two seconds. Now, I'm dealing with the consequences of Nert's survival. Damn it. However, my other plan worked—I staged my injury, calling out for their help, which successfully brought them here after I owed them something for saving me. Thank the gods they didn't suspect anything or try to harm me further," Haerak muttered, frustration evident in his tone.

Then, like a bolt from the blue, an epiphany struck him.

"Aha! Lyra and the others are away for weeks" he murmured, a glimmer of satisfaction dancing in his eyes. "I've carefully crafted a plan for Thorne and his bandits to encounter Kazaks and Yzavynne on the shore, sparing Lyra and my other associates. Meanwhile, Varen and Sable will delay their return by discreetly sabotaging their boats with explosive gunpowder, while ensuring the safety of the fishermen. But the success of this plan hinges on Thorne's henchmen recognizing the faces of those two. Although, I doubt Kazaks and Yzavynne would even allow Lyra and the hunters to accompany them once they sense the bandits' presence. So, it's likely to work out. I could use that their delay as an advantage. One misstep could seal my fate against the Renaissance rebels."

Haerak urged himself onward. "Stay focused, Haerak. Stay focused. Think this through carefully."

Haerak paused once more, deep in thought.

"Oh, and I almost forgot about Seraphina's connection with Nert. They're quite close. She could jeopardize my plans if she investigates his sudden disappearance. How can I turn this situation to my advantage? Perhaps I could use my mind control to eliminate her, ensuring Nert's identity remains concealed? No, that's too risky; her death would raise suspicions without concrete evidence. I have it! I'll manipulate her mind, send her to the nearest bandit camp, and engineer her demise there. Then, I'll fabricate a story about an urgent mission for herb gathering of Seraphina at the Aeolantis with Nert wanting to help her, concealing the truth from the villagers," Haerak muttered, a sinister grin spreading across his face.

Suddenly, Seraphina's voice pierced the air as she approached, her expression wrought with concern.

"Haerak!" she called out, her voice trembling.

Haerak turned to face her, feigning innocence. "What is it?" he asked.

"Nert! Th-- the matter you mentioned earlier, about explaining things to me after I'd kept Nert hidden. Well, I've fulfilled my part, but Nert... he vanished from the house after I... I left him there and instructed him to stay put. You..." Seraphina's voice trailed off as her expression shifted to alarm.

In response, Haerak exerted his mind control over Seraphina, halting her words and leaving her features devoid of emotion.

"I had a feeling. You and Nert seemed to grow close, him visiting your hut every night. It was evident, especially since your name was his last word, wasn't it?" Haerak remarked with a smirk.

Seraphina silently made her way towards the boats docked near the shore, selecting one and setting sail towards Aeolantis, where the nearest bandit's camp was situated.

"Farewell, Seraphina. You've served me and the village faithfully for so long. But this is necessary. It has to be done. I've made up my mind about it. I will hunt down every last member of the Renaissance, whatever it takes," Haerak muttered as he watched Seraphina's expressionless figure drift away on the waves.

With a purposeful stride, Haerak departed from the shore, his mind already at work on how to explain Nert and Seraphina's unexpected departure in the morning.

"Now, I need to figure out how to explain and deliver the message on the villagers about Seraphina's midnight mission with Nert helping her when morning comes," he muttered to himself.

A sinister grin spread across his face as he chuckled to himself, "Everything is falling into place perfectly."


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Three weeks had passed when the Shadowed Symphony gracefully glided back to the shores of Ember Wind village at dusk. As the ship approached, keen-eyed scouts equipped with telescopes on the shore were the first to spot it, swiftly alerting the villagers who soon gathered at the water's edge, eager to welcome the returning crew.

"Look, they're back! The Shadowed Symphony has returned!"

"They made it! Welcome home!"

"Finally, they've arrived!"

"I see them too, coming ashore!"

The crew of the Shadowed Symphony efficiently raised the masts by pulling on the ropes, securing them tightly to nearby sturdy logs to prevent the ship from drifting away. Once their task was complete, they disembarked from the wooden ship.

"Welcome back! How was the journey?"

"Did you find what you were looking for?"

"We missed you! Tell us everything!"

"Welcome home, friends!"

The villagers' excited chatter filled the air as they gathered around to greet the returning adventurers.

"WAAAAAHHH! Thank you! Thank you!" Qarek bellowed dramatically, bowing deeply amidst the lively chatter of the villagers.

"Ahoy, landlubbers! Did you miss our charming presence, or did you survive just fine without us?" Andhur teased with a grin.

"Any thrilling tales to regale us with, or did you all spend your time playing cards?" Leeani chimed in while holding the potion.

Qarek threw his arms wide in a grand gesture, declaring dramatically, "Behold, the triumphant return of your intrepid adventurers! Shower us with your adoration, oh humble peasants!"

Jiighual patted his belly with a theatrical groan, "I beseech thee, good villagers, to provide sustenance fit for weary sailors! My stomach growls like a disgruntled kraken in need of a feast."

Gargeal stood quietly, observing the lively exchange between Andhur, Qarek, Leeani, and Jiighual as they engaged with the villagers nearby. Zach and Ruby'ck were the last to step off the ship, their eyes drawn to the heartwarming scene unfolding before them.

"It feels good to be back, doesn't it, Zach?" Ruby'ck remarked, gently placing a hand on Zach's arm.

"Yeah, it really does," Zach replied with a smile, taking in the familiar sights and sounds of home.

Zach and Ruby'ck stepped onto the shore, Zach glanced at Ruby'ck. "Feels good to have solid ground under our feet again."

Ruby'ck chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Definitely beats swaying on those waves for days. But you know what I missed the most?"

"What's that?" Zach asked, intrigued.

"The way your eyes light up when you're back home," Ruby'ck said with a playful smirk, nudging Zach lightly.

Zach replied, "Oh, come on, Ruby'ck. You're too smooth for your own good."

"Just stating the truth," Ruby'ck replied with a wink, his tone teasing. "But seriously, it's good to be back here with you, Zach."

Zach grinned, his heart feeling light. "Yeah, it is. Let's make the most of it."

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