17 | bondy (1/2)

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"Wills! We gotta leave now. If we want to be at training on time!" Olivier yelled as he shook his brother.

"Baise toi."[Fuck you.] Will I mumbled and rolled over so his face was in the blankets.

"You want to be late to training?" Olivier threatened as he heard Willo groan.

"Brain not englishing in morning." He used broken English. Willo was less fluent than Olivier, and clearly he couldn't think in English right now.

"And not my training, your gym thing." Willo said, clearly waking up slowly.

"Please?" Olivier asked and Willo got up. Olivier thanked him and left to wait in the mud room.

Leah had been talking about all week how there was a person joining them today. She said it was a new manager than Jonas wanted to talk to again. Apparently she used to play for Arsenal, so Olivier put two and two together and assumed it was Mirjam Márakǒviç.

"Leah! Spill, who'd Jonas invite?" Jurrien asked instantly as Leah stepped into the gym. The whole ACL crew were there already. It was going to be the last time Leah was with them as well, so pretty emotional if they weren't annoyed at her for keeping it a secret.

"Mate, it's obvious. They basically told us already." Olivier chuckled. He was of course referring to Laura, and Leah.

"It's not that obvious!" He defended his own stupidity. Olivier shook his head as he swung his leg. Him and Jurrien were holding each other's arms as they swung their legs.

"She'll be here in a minute. Don't get your knickers in a twist." Leah rolled her eyes at the boys.

"Well, then we better get warmed up." Simon said as he stepped into the room with the rest of the physios.

"Time to split up already?" Olivier frowned and Gary nodded from Simon's left side.

"Don't worry though, you're getting into warmups today. Then we're gonna work with some basic handling drills back on the ball. Good day for you though." Gary told him what was ahead.

"Be real?" Olivier asked and Gary smiled. He liked making Olivier smile, which was extremely rare.

"Yeah mate, you've been amazing. Maybe even back for Porto." Gary told him. Stars grew in the young boy's eyes as he smiled.

Olivier was brought outside with Gary. Gary had told the coaching staff that Olivier was joining warmups and they were delighted. Gary liked to watch the young boy become excited. He ended up leaving before Leah's guest arrived, but he didn't care anymore.

"Olivier!" Martin shouted when he saw the French boy approach with Gary trailing behind him.

"Guys! I'm back, Gary's letting me warm up with you guys!" Olivier looked back at Gary as he said that.

"Welcome back Olivier. We're excited to have you for any bit of this." Mikel said.

"Right. So get on with some jogging laps." Mikel said. The team had just gotten back from their daily run were already sweaty.

Olivier went over with Aaron, who naturally wasn't too fast. Being a goalkeeper and all. It kind of boosted Olivier's ego as well, as if he needed a boost.

"Slow down, bruv!" Aaron yelled after Olivier pushed forward.

"You say as you're speaking to someone who's less than a month out from their ACL." Olivier rolled his eyes and complied with Aaron. Aaron thanked him as he caught up and they jogged together.

"So you're only here for warmups?" Aaron questioned after another minute of jogging.

"Yeah." Olivier sighed. He didn't like it, but was glad he could even be there.

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