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He occupied the seat opposite to Farhan and regarded the breakfast which he was supposed to eat. It would be too far-fetched to call this plain, dry rusk and a cup of tea a breakfast. Farhan said that in such a small duration of availability of gas, one could only manage this simple meal in the morning if in hurry. Huzaifa huffed and grasped one white rusk. For now, he wasn't worried about the food. He wanted to make a future and he had chosen this path for himself. He had to endure all this if he preferred to prove his worth to his father.

Huzaifa dipped the rusk in the tea and once again stared at the thin and watery tea dribbling from the piece of snack. Nevertheless, he put it into his mouth. He needed energy for a new start. And even if this was not his type of lifestyle, he had to tolerate it.

"I am leaving," Farhan clapped his hands as he stood up. "Can you wash the dishes? And yes, from now onward, I will take care of our breakfast and you will make the dinner as this suits our working hours. And yes laundry in on me while the dishes and cleaning will be your duty. Is that okay for you?"

Huzaifa tried hard not to make a face at this. Instead, he nodded. "Yes. I won't be a burden on you for a long time, Farhan. Very soon, I will find some other source and again thank you for letting me stay with you."

Farhan smiled. "It's okay. You are my friend so it's my duty to help a friend in need. By the way, why did you house in the first place? Wouldn't your parents be worried about you?"

He laughed sarcastically. "My father is the one who pushed me out of his house. I have to show him that I am capable of achieving my dream."

"Your dream means your father is against you joining showbiz?" Farhan raised a brow.

Huzaifa took a big sip of the tea as he shrugged his shoulders. "I wanna prove him wrong."

"So are you planning for a rebellion?" Farhan patted his shoulder.

Huzaifa smiled. "I am not planning. I have already acted upon it."

Farhan sighed. "You are lucky to have such courage. I couldn't even complete my studies after my father died suddenly, leaving me with all of his responsibilities."

Huzaifa scooted on his feet again. "I don't know whether I have good luck or not but I will make my luck good. That's for sure."

Farhan moved his hand in the air in appreciation. "I wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you. Can you lend me a few thousand, Farhan? I need to buy a phone for myself. I will give it back to you as soon as I will get my next pay," he asked him.

Farhan blinked before drawing his wallet from his pocket and picking a few notes before giving it to Huzaifa. "No need to care for paying it back on short notice. You can give it back to me once you get a bit stable. I will be happy to help you out."

Huzaifa grinned and shook hands with him. "Thank you."

He recalled the happenings from the night before when he was all ready to leave his house. He had returned the credit card, pocket money, phone, and other accessories to Tashfeen. Now he was only left with a few cash which was his own pay from recent shoots and commercials. That night, Unaiza had come to him, looking so distressed. Her red eyes indicated that she was crying before appearing here. He, for a moment, thought about her. She had gone through such a trauma and did something so grave as cutting her wrist. What if she would again become depressed? He was yet to see her culprits getting caught.

Unaiza bit her lower lip as her eyes flitted from his face to his empty wrist. "Are you really leaving?"

He chuckled. "Do I look like I was joking with Dad, Glasses?"

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