Chapter 10- Broken Trust

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Alina's POV

Finally we are returning home, I've decided to give our little family one last chance.

Both little fay and I entered the building with smile on our faces and it seems Azeez left us a surprise, so sweet of him

The Living room was scenting so nice you want to keep inhaling it so badly, little fay ran upstairs chanting her father's name, I knew the little girl missed her father.

 “ Little Fay, maybe he's out come let's sit and wait for him” And we started munching the snacks Azeez organised for us, I did let out a smile seeing the decor all for welcoming us back home.

 Maybe Azeez is really going to change I thought.

 Fay was getting really impatient and I get why! She has been living with her dad all her life and now she decided to support me and stay with me but deep down she missed him alot.

“Mum?” I turned to look at her because I'm sure she's going to ask me to give him a call “please call dad and tell him we are back”
And Bingo!!!! She asked me to give him a call.

I tried but he's number was switched off  so we decided to watch a movie and play games, watch a movie and after all that we were exhausted, we prayed and headed to bed.

To much of our dismay, it was morning already and we couldn't find Azeez. I began to get worried what if he's in some sort of trouble, he wouldn't have all this preparation done yesterday and then decide not to show up at the time of our arrival.
I went out to speak with the security guards
“Please do you perhaps know where Azeez is?”

“No Ma'am but to the best of our knowledge we think he travelled because he left with a suitcase and he was quite In a hurry”

 “Oh thanks”

  Where on earth did he go with a suitcase, did he perhaps run away? Oh no

I washed the thoughts off my head but where could he be really?

Fay is now really getting impatient I couldn't help it but tell her, her dad has travelled and she was beyond disappointed.

She resumed school and it was a week already, we already Informed everyone about Azeez missing.

His mother urged me to come back and live at their house so I won't be lonely but I couldn't right? I decided to stay back lonely

It was Afternoon and I decided to order food we agreed on getting a cook but haven't gotten one till date.

 I ate even though I had no appetite and Azeez's mum informed me that one of his aunt and his cousin were going to come visit.

I had to prepare something right?
I ordered extra food simple

I knew how to make mocktail but heck! I'm not in the mood I just ordered some snacks and drinks to go with it and that was it

I even set the table already!

It was 2 and fay already came back from school and ate her lunch, she was busy playing games on her tablet and we were gisting when I heard a knock on the main door.

Little Fay knew about her aunt's visit already, so she rushed and gave her aunt a big hug.

“Fareedatu haka kika girma?”

Little fay frowned her face and I already guessed why because she doesn't like it when her name gets spoilt but no can't do with this elderly people.

 I squatted respectfully and greeted her.

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