-..*the incident'..?

474 12 6

Date : the moon revolution part 4



"you can't do this Ganymede! This is going too far!" Titan dodges the attack

"what do you mean? Isn't all of this started because of you!?" Ganymede throw an asteroid

Titan dodges "i know but, earth already change!"

Watching Ganymede and Titan fighting, Europa realise that no one protect the earth...

"Ughhh! Everyone attack the earth, now!" Europa shouted giving directions to the others


The moons are getting ready to attack the earth


"Stop!... What do you think..? attack the earth and destroy thousands of creatures in it..!?" Luna/moon screams to protect the earth

. . .

Europa lost her patience "What are you doing!? Quickly attack them—"

Suddenly Ganymede was thrown when Europa screamed, it turned out that Titan was the one who threw Ganymede

. . .

"G-ganymede..!? ,, you okay?" Europa shocked


With overflowing anger, Europa picked up asteroids and threw them at Titan many times, Several asteroids almost hit the earth! ,, Luna and the others are trying to protect him

. . .

Suddenly... an asteroid is heading fast towards Earth! Too bad the earth can't escape...

"T-that asteroid is too fast! Earth— Quickly dodge!" Luna shouted

"I'm tryi—"







What a waste of a decision, the asteroid managed to hit the earth!


"Is that earth?" asked Jupiter

"Idk but, why is he screaming?" Saturn confused


"T-that.. THAT EARTH SCREAMIN—.." venus shocked

"Did something happen..!? ,, w-WE SHOULD TAKE A LOO—.."

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