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Today a havoc had arrived. Tashfeen didn't know about Huzaifa's increasing achievements lately. But something worse happened as in the evening, when he returned home, he found all the girls standing in front of the big LCD of the lounge and Tashfeen could see him on the screen. All of them looked so happy as they were watching him but here Tashfeen curled his fingers in a fist angrily. What he feared had finally happened. Huzaifa had lived true to his stubbornness and revolution. Very soon, people from his circle will notice his son doing this work and he would be ridiculed. He could find himself on the verge of losing everything.

He could foresee his future where his business and his name would be left hopelessly after his death and that would be occurring because of his own son. Huzaifa was daring but he would shamelessly and openly oppose him, Tashfeen didn't know that. He saw kids of his friends and family becoming a supporting pillar for their parents in old age and here his child was bringing humiliation over his face.

On the screen, Huzaifa was seen with a beautiful girl with whom he was in love with. They were standing in a lovely garden in between colorful flowers. If Tashfeen became more agitated by this scene then it unknowingly hurt Unaiza's innocent heart. He was smiling looking at her and the way his eyes really showed the love he had for his heroine seemed so real that she lowered her gaze from the screen. That was the clip of Huzaifa which went viral where he was proposing. She couldn't muster up the courage to watch it completely because as soon as he held the girl's hand, Unaiza felt weird and sad. But from Hiba, she learned that this scene became popular because of how naturally Huzaifa acted and it seemed like he had something for that girl in reality. 

That was acting. She knew it but somehow she couldn't stop her heart from making her look more stupid for herself.

While as soon as the scene where Huzaifa grasped the hand of his heroine tenderly, Tashfeen couldn't tolerate it anymore. His eyes became grim as he resisted the urge to throw something at the LCD.

"What are you guys doing?" He yelled furiously.

All three of them became startled and Hiba even screamed a little due to how unexpectedly they got caught by their father. Ishmal stood up and she stared at her father-in-law with widened eyes while Unaiza walked over to him.

"Tashfeen Papa..." She whispered.

"Change the channel right now. I don't want to see or hear him," he ordered harshly.

Ishmal quickly turned off the television.

"Don't be angry, Tashfeen Papa," Unaiza told him.

Tashfeen glared at her followed by Hiba and Ishmal, the latter started looking away in apprehension as she had never seen him in this anger. He tried to calm himself down for the girls. They didn't deserve to bear his resentment which he was feeling on Huzaifa right now.

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