Chapter 1- Fancy Seeing You Here!

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"Winters you go up behind" Said a stern voice.
"Yes ma'am," Anne slightly ducked and motioned for a small redhead -grace Wilkins- to follow her.
Their Captain -Rachel Dawnston- signalled with her hand for them to wait, and as she lowered it the women sprung up and held their guns to the backs of the enemy.

She motioned for Anne to speak,
"Lass deine verdammten Waffen fallen, jetzt."
Drop your dam weapons now.

A younger soldier turned to face the group as a short-haired blonde spoke, "Upham?"

"Hey, Alley. Hi girls." Was all he could get out.

The rest of the group turned to face them and Captain Miller laughed at the girls confusion.

"The fuck are you doing dressed as krauts?" Rachel asked, puzzled.

"Long story Rach. Glad to see you girls though."

They all embraced eachother and Anne and Wade held on tightly to eachother before Miller spoke again.

"We better get outta these things before Rachel's girls shoot us," he looks toward the girls, "care to help us dispose of these?"

"It'd be our pleasure!" The ginger girl answered.

It'd been five months since the two groups had found eachother on two separate missions. The girls being to help defend remmel and the boys being to rescue a certain Private James Ryan.
The 13 of them where heartbroken when they were getting split up, but the war effort needed them elsewhere.

Now, however, they'd come across eachother again needing to get to one place- Bagstone.

One Day Later

"So Upham, how's your book going?" Asked Margaret curiously.
"Ooo yea come on Tim!" Anne joined in.
"Yea. Yea its going pretty well. I've just finished the first part."
"Let us read it then!" Upham shook his head,
"Aw please timmy." Maggie added with puppy dog eyes.
"No. You'll have to wait. And Mags, don't look at me like that its scary." The three laugh and continue walking.

Ever since the groups met outside of Normandy, Margaret and Annabelle sensed how uncomfortable Upham always felt so they made it their duty to take him under their wing. And since then the three became inseparable, even going as far to say that when they were told to go their separate ways they were all on the verge of tears.
But now they were back together again and the worries of war seemed far behind them. Right?

"Shit. Shit get down!" Captain Miller half whispered, half yelled.

There was a German machine gun straight ahead. And if they had remembered anything from their previous time together they knew they didn't want to get involved. However, once again Miller had other plans.

Once the group had made a plan, Anne when to see Rachel alone.

"Ma'am." She saluted.
"Ah! Sargent Winters! What can I do for you?" Her cheery voice seemed strange amongst their surroundings.

"Ma'am, with all due respect. We arnt apart of their Captains squad. We could go around this and still achive our objective."

Rachel studied the young Sargents features before answering, "Sargent are you suggesting that we leave Captain Miller and his men to take out this gun on their own?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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