Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 100

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"We're not just kings; we're commanders too, seasoned on the battlefield unlike the other monarchs," Solarius stated firmly, positioning himself between Ybael and Sentinel, ready for combat.

"King Solarius!" Sentinel exclaimed, taken aback by Solarius's sudden appearance.

"Stay vigilant; the battle has only just begun," Solarius declared, his voice echoing with determination.

"Right, now Kazaks, are you ready—" Ybael began, but his words were cut short by Kazaks charging swiftly towards them.

"AGHHHHH!" Kazaks roared as he lunged forward.

Kazaks unleashed a barrage of punches—jab, jab, cross—at Ybael, who managed to evade each strike with swift movements. Meanwhile, Solarius attempted to counter with a sword slice, but Kazaks deftly dodged it, retrieving his war hammer that he had previously hurled.

"Shit!" Sentinel cursed under his breath, anticipating the escalating confrontation.

"Got you now!" Kazaks bellowed triumphantly, swinging his war hammer sideways. However, Solarius, Sentinel, and Ybael reacted swiftly, ducking and dodging the incoming strike.

"Not done yet!" Kazaks shouted defiantly, slamming his war hammer into the ground aimed towards Sentinel. 

With quick reflexes, Sentinel managed to evade the attack by sidestepping just in time.

"Just in time!" Sentinel exclaimed, his reflexes saving him from Kazaks's attack.

Solarius swiftly thrust his sword, aiming for Kazaks, but the opponent grabbed the blade barehanded, causing his palm to bleed from the sharpness.

"Ahhh!" Solarius recoiled in disbelief as he struggled to pull his sword free from Kazaks's grip.

"Let go, King Solarius!" Ybael's voice boomed as he launched a swing of his rapier.

Kazaks managed to block the swing with the handle of his war hammer, but Kazaks seized the opportunity to break Solarius's sword with his bare hands.

"What?!" Solarius exclaimed, stunned by the unexpected feat, stepping back in shock.

In a daze of disbelief, he muttered, "My sword, forged from iron, and he destroyed it just like that?! Just like that?!"

"Arghhh!" Ybael cried out as Kazaks landed a sudden punch to his chin, sending him reeling and causing a momentary concussion.

Ybael collapsed, unconscious, hitting the ground with a thud.

"Ybael! Damn you, Kazaks!" Sentinel shouted, his frustration boiling over as he hurled a slice of his sword at their adversary, only for Kazaks to catch it effortlessly.

"You are all weak, be thankful it was only me and not the captain!" Kazaks taunted, his words dripping with scorn.

With a menacing grip, Kazaks shattered Sentinel's sword with his bare hands, leaving Sentinel staring in disbelief at the broken pieces of his weapon.

Kazaks looked down at the broken swords, his expression smug as he surveyed the defeated trio before him. But then, a flicker of remorse passed over his face, as if a pang of guilt had pierced his tough exterior.

"I may mock your strength, but I know the true weight of defeat," Kazaks muttered, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "Every victory comes with sacrifices, and every loss leaves scars that may never fully heal."

He glanced briefly at Ybael's unconscious form on the ground, a twinge of empathy softening his gaze.

"But remember this," Kazaks continued, his tone solemn. "Strength isn't just about physical prowess. It's about resilience, determination, and the courage to stand back up after each fall. That,is the true measure of a warrior."

Sentinel's eyes blazed with indignation as he gathered himself from the shock of Kazaks' words. 

His voice, though tinged with anger, held an icy calmness as he retorted, "Perhaps you should save your lectures for someone who gives a damn about your twisted sense of honor. Real warriors don't boast about their victories; they let their actions speak for themselves."

Before Kazaks could respond, Sentinel lunged forward with renewed determination, but Kazaks anticipated the move. 

With a swift and precise strike, he knocked Sentinel to the ground, leaving Solarius standing alone to face their formidable adversary.

"Looks like it's just you and me now, standing here in the darkness," Kazaks sneered, his voice laced with disdain as he locked eyes with Solarius.

Kazaks sneered, his eyes blazing with contempt as he fixed his gaze on Solarius. "You call yourself a king, Solarius? Ha! You're nothing but a figurehead, a puppet on strings," he scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain. "Your so-called kingdom is a joke, incapable of protecting its own people."

The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, each syllable a sharp barb aimed directly at Solarius. "Your reign has brought nothing but suffering and chaos to your subjects," he continued, his tone mocking. "While you sit comfortably on your throne, innocent civilians suffer at the hands of your incompetence."

The darkness seemed to amplify the intensity of Kazaks' tirade, the tension between him and Solarius palpable. "What will you do now, King Solarius, when your kingdom lies in ruins and your people cry out for justice?" he taunted, his voice echoing with scorn. "You're nothing but a failed leader, incapable of protecting those who rely on you the most."

Solarius gritted his teeth, his anger boiling beneath the surface. "You... you traitorous scum!" he seethed, his words dripping with contempt and frustration.

Solarius, driven by a surge of desperation, lunged at Kazaks with all his might, his fists clenched in fury. However, Kazaks effortlessly sidestepped his attack, delivering a devastating blow to Solarius' chin with a single, well-placed punch. The force of the impact sent Solarius sprawling to the ground, his senses reeling from the sudden onslaught.

Before Solarius could even attempt to regain his footing, Kazaks followed up with a swift knee to his abdomen, causing him to double over in agony. Then, with ruthless precision, Kazaks delivered a punishing elbow strike to Solarius' face, the sickening sound of bone meeting bone reverberating through the air.

"Pathetic," Kazaks sneered, his voice dripping with derision as he surveyed the fallen king before him. With a calculated movement, he brought Solarius crashing down to the ground, the impact echoing through the silent night.

"Look at you, lying there defeated. You dare to call yourself a king, yet you crumble beneath the weight of your own inadequacy. This is the fate that awaits all who dare to oppose us, all who cling to their hollow titles while their people suffer," Kazaks spat, his disdain evident in every word as he towered over Solarius' prone form, his victory complete.

Kazaks swiftly redirected his focus, honing his heightened senses to Ybael's presence. Despite feeling disoriented from the blow, Ybael gradually rose to his feet, his determination unwavering.

"Round two, Kazaks. No matter what, you will fall," Ybael declared defiantly as he steadied himself, ready to face his adversary once more.

"I won't let you terrorize innocents any longer, Kazaks. It's not about winning or losing; it's about standing for what's right, for the innocent lives you've trampled underfoot," Ybael asserted with conviction, his voice carrying the weight of morality and justice.

"I couldn't care less about those who support your cause," Ybael retorted, his voice dripping with disdain. "You and your rebels have brought nothing but destruction and despair to our kingdoms. Innocent lives are being lost, homes destroyed, and families torn apart because of your selfish ambitions. I will stop you, no matter the cost, to protect what is right and just."

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