PART 9 🦋

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"Astagfirullah lahul walakhul wata illah bilalah,"

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"Astagfirullah lahul walakhul wata illah bilalah,"

Jungkook POV

I instinctively pulled away from Ara, startled to see Zara standing by the door, her back turned to us.

"Seriously, can't you knock before barging in?" Ara scolded, smoothing out her dress while still holding onto me.

"The door was open... And manners? Do you even know the meaning?" She said while fisting her hands on her abaya......without turning around, she took a step back and placed my phone on the nearby table. "You left your phone on the bench," she stated flatly before walking away, leaving me with ara who was clinging on me

"Let's continue it" Ara attempted to draw me in, but I resisted, pushing her away firmly. "Don't even try," I warned, my irritation evident in my voice. With a sharp glance, I followed Zara's retreating figure, leaving Ara behind to ponder her actions.


I called out, quickening my pace to catch up with her. Ignoring my attempts to communicate, she continued walking briskly. Determined to get her attention, I swiftly moved in front of her, spreading my arms to block her path.

"What?" she said dismissively, still avoiding eye contact. As I leaned in closer, matching her pace, she shot me a glare that I could feel even behind her veil.

"Are you jealous?" I taunted with a smirk, standing tall as I ruffled my hair. She scoffed, her eyes rolling behind the veil.

"Jealous? In your dreams, mister. Do you think I care?" she retorted, looking away defiantly. I gritted my teeth, feeling the frustration bubbling up inside me.

"But I can feel it, though. Are you already falling for me, Princess?" I teased, trying to gauge her reaction. She sighed, her demeanor unwavering.

"I'm out of your reach, so you better don't fool yourself," she shot back, her words sharp and cutting. I shook my head, exasperated by her attitude.

"I thought you were just shameless, but you're actually so cheap," she accused, her tone laced with disdain.

I felt a surge of anger rising within me as her words hit a nerve. "Cheap? You have no idea what you're talking about," I shot back, my voice tinged with frustration.

Zara didn't back down, her gaze challenging as she met my glare head-on. "Oh, I know exactly what I'm talking about," she retorted, her tone dripping with disdain.

I clenched my fists, struggling to maintain my composure in the face of her infuriating demeanor. "You're just as arrogant and stubborn as I am," I accused, my voice rising with each word.

Zara scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief. "And you're just as insufferable as I thought," she countered, her tone laced with contempt. As she walked away Her words hit me like a punch to the gut, stinging with a truth I didn't want to acknowledge. I struggled to contain my anger, my fists clenched at my sides as I fought to regain control.

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