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Chapter 2

"Humanity has always reigned supreme in the food chain. We just underestimate our own capabilities." 

Chapter 6 

"Let the storm come; we shall stand unwavering, for our resolve is the thunder that echoes in the face of adversity, and our unity, the lightning that pierces through the darkest of tempests."

Chapter 11

"Time is our ally, but not an infinite one."

Chapter 13

"Take your time here, in this sanctuary, where vulnerability is embraced. You don't have to carry it alone."

Chapter 24

"In the realm of battle, composure is your sword, and you, my friend, just dropped it. A warrior with a temper is as effective as a sword without an edge – sharp in theory, but utterly useless in practice."

Chapter 27

"A warrior draw strength not just from their power, but from their unwavering commitment to those they defend."

"Losing someone hurts, but losing the will to live for them hurts the most."

Chapter 28

"Losing any of them would be like losing a piece of myself, and that's a pain I can't fathom."

Chapter 35

"Your kindness shines in a world that often forgets compassion."

"If someone needs help, I'll lend them a hand. That's how the world should work. We should help each other instead of bringing one another down."

Chapter 38

"The peace and quietness, I wish this could go on forever. A moment without the chaos of war lingering in the air."

"Everything has an end. Eventually, all the things we'll contribute to life will cease to exist. That's life."

"That's life for you. The very things that stir your disdain, they're transient. Everything you loathe about it? It will all fade away eventually."

"Death is a journey we all embark upon. It's the one certainty in this uncertain world. But what we do in the time we have matters."

"In the face of war and the specter of death, we create our own purpose, our own legacy."

"Life, a series of fleeting moments stitched together by the threads of our actions. In the tapestry of existence, each choice leaves an indelible imprint, shaping the canvas of our journey."

Chapter 39

"I feared facing death without having lived a life of purpose, without pursuing my true desires."

Chapter 40

"Leading isn't about carrying the weight by yourself; it's about trusting in each other, leaning on one another when the going gets tough."

Chapter 41

 "Maybe it's time we all reevaluate our choices, our path. The toll of endless conflict, the burden of taking lives. It wears on the soul, leaving scars unseen."

Chapter 46

"To perish without leaving a trace, without a purpose, it's a melancholy thought."

Chapter 51

"I never thought the day would come when we'd leave this place behind. It's bittersweet. Saying goodbye to the familiar, but welcoming the unknown."

Chapter 55

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