|twenty four|

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"Why did he go there?" Haider was in front of Aqia now, bombarding her with a lot of questions. "Why that woman's house? So that she and her family will make fun of us?"

"That's not anything like what you are thinking, Haider. I asked Nisha to persuade Huzaifa to go to her house. Whatever had happened, I have full knowledge of it and it's happening because I did that," Aqia replied, making Haider's eyes widen in shock. 

"What are you saying, Mom? You asked for help from her?" He asked.

"It did not help. She asked me first if she could invite Huzaifa over to her place if I was okay with it. I liked that suggestion and hence gave her a green signal," Aqia replied, fearlessly.

Haider ran his fingers through his hair. "Out of all people, you just found her to ask for help so that everyone will know that Dad has disowned Huzaifa and he was thrown out of the house?"

Aqia sighed. "Haider, these kind of things can't remain hidden for a long time. Very soon, the whole world will know the truth. So what kind of damage control are you looking out for here? If your father is stern then Huzaifa is also not someone who will sit low. He will provoke a bigger reaction so that he can show your father that he is capable. In these circumstances, I want the betterment and safety of my son. As a mother, I have full right of it."

Haider remained silent while staring at her. She was right. One day or another, this was what to follow. The damage control he was looking out for was no longer any useful. Huzaifa had started making news on the internet and it was a year since he was missing from his house.

"My question remains Mom; why that woman? Why are you allowing them to ridicule us on a silver platter?" He confided.

Aqia narrowed her eyes at him. "Nisha is my niece, Haider. She is like a daughter to me. A daughter means family. So I asked someone from my family to look after my son. I am his mother, Haider. Don't take that right from me."

Haider exhaled before touching her shoulder. "Come on, Mom. What are you saying? That's not what I meant. I just--"

"I know what you mean. Stop thinking of everything from that particular lens. Even if there is only hatred related to that incident and that person, don't let it become transparent so much once again that anyone can misunderstand. Your hatred may come across as some other emotion, Haider. I won't work everything out. You are very intelligent to understand it," she murmured, firmly.

Redness increased in Haider's eyes. "I don't give that woman a heck. Don't repeat the things again, Mom."

Aqia patted his arm. "Then stop from getting disgusted by her talks as well. She is my niece after all and she will be discussed and mentioned by everyone here. She is Huzaifa's and Hiba's cousin, Unaiza's elder sister and friend. From how many mouths will you take her mention away? Ishmal is your wife and the mother of your daughter. She loves you and you love her. But she is a woman after all. And all women have insecurities. Constantly getting irritated by another woman won't sit well with her and she can misunderstand you. It is for your own relationship and love."

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