Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 105

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With swift and precise movements, Zach incapacitated each archer, rendering them unconscious in the blink of an eye.

"Is that all you've got?!" Jiighual's booming voice reverberated across the battlefield as he deftly dispatched ten archers with a powerful shove of his pavise shield.

Using his immense strength, Jiighual pinned the archers to nearby trees, ensuring they remained incapacitated and unable to continue the fight.

"Let's end this quick!" Andhur's voice was filled with determination as he swiftly subdued an archer with a precise rear naked chokehold.

"Yeah, sure! I'm so tired anyways!" Kazaks exclaimed, his words punctuated by the forceful strike of his war hammer against an archer's head.

The battle raged on, Leeani, Qarek, and Gargeal each played their part in turning the tide of the conflict.

"Cover me, Leeani!" Qarek called out as he charged forward, his war axe poised for battle.

"Leave it to me, Qarek!" Leeani's voice carried across the battlefield, her crossbow aimed with deadly precision as she took her position on a sturdy tree branch.

Meanwhile, Gargeal continued to draw the attention of the enemy, his agile movements and quick reflexes allowing him to evade their attacks with ease.

"Keep them distracted, Gargeal!" Zach's voice rang out, his command driving the team forward with renewed determination and focus.

As the final archer fell unconscious beneath Zach's powerful blow, the battlefield fell silent, save for the heavy breathing of the victorious team and the rustle of leaves in the wind. A sense of accomplishment washed over them as they surveyed the scene before them: nearly eleven hundred archers now lay incapacitated on the ground, their threat neutralized.

"That's the last one, for now," Zach remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of satisfaction as he surveyed the aftermath of the battle.

"Wo-hoo! Nice one!" Jiighual's booming voice echoed across the clearing, his enthusiasm infectious as he celebrated their hard-fought victory.

"Well done, guys!" Qarek chimed in, his tone filled with pride for their collective achievement.

As the adrenaline of battle began to fade, Andhur took a moment to stretch his tired muscles, a satisfied smile gracing his features. 

"Well, that was a good warm-up," he muttered, his words punctuated by the sound of his stretching.

Leeani, having descended from her perch in the trees, joined her comrades on the ground, her expression one of admiration and camaraderie. 

"Great job, you guys!" she shouted, her voice filled with genuine praise for their teamwork and resilience.

"Who would've thought our morning exercise would involve taking down a thousand archers?" Qarek joked, a playful grin spreading across his face as he wiped sweat from his brow.

Jiighual chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "I think we just set a new record for the most unconscious enemies in one go."

"Someone should tell the bards about this," Leeani quipped, a smile playing on her lips as she scanned the battlefield. "I can already hear the songs: 'The Day the Symphony Silenced a Thousand Arrows.'"

Andhur stretched his limbs, a satisfied smirk on his face. "Well, if anyone asks, we'll just say it was all in a day's work for us."

Their banter echoed through the clearing, a lighthearted moment amidst the chaos of battle. Despite the danger they faced, they found solace in each other's company, knowing that together, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.

Gargeal, usually reserved and stoic, chimed in with a rare hint of amusement. "I suppose this is what they call 'morning cardio' in the world of mercenaries."

The others laughed, surprised by Gargeal's unexpected comment. His deadpan delivery only added to the humor of the situation, breaking the tension that lingered after the intense battle.

"Well, I guess we'll have to add 'archer wrangling' to our list of skills," Jiighual joked, his laughter echoing through the clearing.

They exchanged jests and shared in the camaraderie of victory, they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in their accomplishment. Together, they had faced overwhelming odds and emerged triumphant, proving once again that the Shadowed Symphony was a force to be reckoned with.

Kazaks approached Zach, noticing his pensive demeanor as he stood alone, gazing into the distance.

"Hey, Captain Zach," Kazaks spoke up, coming to stand behind him.

Turning to face Kazaks, Zach's expression softened slightly. "What's on your mind?" he inquired.

"You seem a bit distant, Captain Zach," Kazaks observed, his tone filled with concern.

Zach sighed, his thoughts drifting to the unresolved question of Nert's whereabouts. "It's nothing, really. Just pondering over Nert's disappearance. Haerak mentioned that Nert came with Seraphina, but she arrived alone. It's got me wondering what could've happened," he explained.

"Hmm, Haerak told you this?" Kazaks sought clarification.

"Yeah, during a private conversation. But let's focus on the task at hand," Zach decided.

With a nod of agreement, Kazaks turned to scan the surroundings, his senses alert and ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Any sign of Ybael?" Zach's inquiry cut through the tense atmosphere, drawing Kazaks' attention back to their immediate concerns.

"He was rescued, along with Solarius, by an assassin," Kazaks reported, his tone grave as he recounted the recent events. "Then, I found myself surrounded by warriors from Drakonium and Elysium."

Zach's brow furrowed in concern at Kazaks' revelation. "You faced Solarius as well?" he questioned, his voice tinged with a mixture of admiration and worry.

"Yes, Captain Zach. Ybael, Solarius, and Sentinel. I battled them all, but I managed to come out of it alive," Kazaks affirmed, his words laced with a hint of pride despite the severity of the situation.

"Remarkable," Zach murmured, acknowledging Kazaks' bravery in the face of such formidable opponents. "But we must remain vigilant. This force is but a fraction of what Drakonium and Elysium is capable of," he cautioned, his gaze sweeping over the surrounding landscape with a sense of foreboding.

Kazaks hastened to convey Zach's directives to the others, Zach's mind became consumed by introspection, pondering the seriousness of their circumstances. "Eldritch's warning holds true. The armies of Drakonium, along with those of the other Kingdoms, are indeed present here, scouring the land in search of us," he murmured to himself, a mix of gratitude and apprehension coloring his thoughts.

He muttered again, the weight of Eldritch's words back at the Ember Wind village echoing in his mind like a haunting melody, "Thank you, Eldritch."

With a determined nod, Zach joined the others, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the days ahead.

"Get down!" Qarek's sudden cry pierced the air, prompting everyone to swiftly seek shelter.

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