35. Falling for Nick

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I became bored with listening to Nick and his men's conversation because it was in the Italian language. I understood nothing, just understood that they were talking about Fardinn and his dad David, and Delilah and her dad Lincoln because they mentioned their name many times.

I asked Nicolas three times what they were talking about but he shut me up last time warning me that if I kept interrupting, he'd fuck me hard on the table in front of his scary-looking men.

And that was the last thing I wanted right then because my pussy was too sore for another round. So I decided to sit there in silence.

Twenty minutes later, the meeting finished and everyone rushed outside of the room. And just then Nicolas' phone buzzed as he received the call.

"What? Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes." Nicolas exclaimed to the person on the other side of the phone and cut the call immediately.

"What happened, Nick?" I asked in confusion, looking at his concerned but rage-dripping face.

"Amore, Grover will drive you back home and my guards will be there with you. I've to go now." He sighed and grabbed my wrist before pulling me out of the conference room.

"What happened? Where are you going?" I asked in confusion.

"It's about Fardinn, Delilah, David and Lincoln. They're still in Italy and planning on attacking us. Victor got their location and we're going to finish what started two years ago." He said in an urgent voice and rushed out of his club with me.

All of his men were already headed to their destination. Alex, Mariano, Bella, Eva, and Romano were already there waiting for Nick.

"Nick I-I want to go with you." I collected all my courage and asked, looking into his eyes.

"What?! Why the hell do you want to come with me? I can't put your life in danger again, Natalia. Grover is waiting in the car. Go with him. You'll be safe."

"But I want to go with you. What if they attack on me while you're gone? I can't trust your guards like I trust you." I muttered looking directly into his eyes.

"Oh, cara mia. Nothing will happen to you. You'll be safe, I promise." He chuckled and cupped my cheeks.

But I couldn't understand why my mind was telling me that something bad was going to happen. What if something bad happened to Nicolas? I felt my heartbeat increased.

"What about you?" I whispered.

"Oh come on. Nothing's going to happen to me. Stop overthinking and go home with Grover. I'll be back in the morning." He rolled his eyes pressed a kiss on my forehead and led me toward his car.

I sighed and got into the car. Grover gave me a small nod through the front mirror and started the engine.

I looked at the busy Rome through the window and couldn't help but admiring the beauty of the night city. People's from different walks of life were busy with their daily activities. The whole city was illuminating with colorful lights as the lives were holding a new vibe of the new year.

I wished I could have a walk in the illuminating lights while enjoying its brightness. I wished I could have a taste of different kinds of street foods.

A smile appeared on my face when I recalled the day Nicolas let me eat street foods. I loved bothering him and making him annoyed.

I blew a long sigh and thought what Nicolas was doing right then. Was he safe? I felt my heartbeat quickened. I knew I shouldn't feel this way for my kidnapper but I was feeling this way. And I had no feeling of regret for that.

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