4 - The Death of A Mother

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The winter after Gabriel's passing was the worst one that River's Bed had seen in centuries. Usually, come winter, the warm town of River's Bed was dotted with white, powdery snow, but only for a week or two, and then perhaps a few spotty days following; and the snow was always just holding on, just barely frozen, and even a simple footstep or touch of your hand could melt it back to clear. By the second day after a snowing, the town looked quite like it normally did, only with a bit more mush and mud, and perhaps with an overlaying mist or clouded sky. Lycanthropes in coats and boots, though they truly didn't need them much.

It had truly been quite some time since River's Bed had heard from Gabriel. He'd been silent since he'd left for his meeting with Virulent nearly a week ago, which the town was not so happy about to begin with. Rumours grew, people gossiped, and finally, with a strong sinking feeling and a disdain for Virulent's Forest, a group of four guardsmen was sent out to search for their beloved mayor, walking upon the same route that he did. It was quite the distance, but with haste they had traveled on armoured mules.

The first sign that they saw of Gabriel was a corpse. His poor mule, laying with ribcage torn open and skin sinking, his tackle still strapped to him, and his lead still hitched to a mighty trunk of a mighty forest. The stench was unmistakeable, and it wafted with heaviness across the wind. The guardsmen pulled their mules over, rearing, staring at the dead mule and giving one another frightened glances; and then, with a sharp, "Hi-Ya!" They raced their mules through the woods, calling out for Gabriel. It was a risk to race their mules over tangled roots, but they faired well and swiftly with thumping hooves, and soon enough they came upon another all too familiar reek, filling the air with its weight. And there had been Gabriel, dead and congealed.

They did not bring him back to River's Bed. Instead, they walked with him to Jasper, bartering for spades, and burying him there. They did not want the people of River's Bed to see him as he was. But the people of Jasper were dear friends to the people of River's Bed, and they worried all the same.

Jasper was an Anthromorph town, living close to the forest and strong in their faith, superior culture, and military presence. While the people of River's Bed would often talk gossip or drama about the Anthromorphs of Jasper, talking of how self-absorbed and perhaps self-righteous they could all be, the Lycanthropes and Anthromorphs did hold a strong bond that had outlasted centuries. Together, they threw joyful parties and dances and feasts, and when in times of need, the resources Jasper provided River's Bed, and the resources River's Bed provided Jasper, proved to make them a formidable alliance not to be reckoned with. So now, as River's Bed grieved the loss of a great leader, Jasper grieved- and prepared for war- with them.

The guardsmen arrived to Jasper's muddy streets with a shadow overhanging them, darkening their faces. They were greeted with a warm welcome, and also concern.

A woman walked up to the guards, a worried look across her face, "Guardsmen of River's Bed! How delighted we are that you're here! Why have you come?" Several other passer-bys on the streets stopped to greet them with smiles, waves, and offers.

One of the guardsmen, Kelo, spoke through his clinking armour, wishing he could stop to say hello to the crowd of friends, "We seek to speak with the mayor! This is an urgent matter!" As the wet winter grew nearer, the temperatures dropped, and a shrouding mist overlaid the land, which was seen now, twirling amongst the peoples' ankles and knees like twisting smoke. The dirt pathways were now black and muddy, and the midday sky clouded and grey, a soft shower falling and wetting all in its path. The leaves had begun to fall from the trees, and winter was well on its way. Only a week before, spring had still been in full bloom. A quick winter was a bad sign; a sign of an unusually cold winter.

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