☼ NINE ☼

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"Get out!!" You cried, still embraced in the blanket.

Sukuna notices how ferociously you were blushing and took this as his opportunity to tease the usually stoic woman.

He leans down with a knowing grin, "Blushing, are you? Did you think we did something last night while you were drunk?"

"I ... I was not drunk!!" You cry, somehow turning even more red.

Sukuna huffs in amusement, coming close to your ear, whispering huskily, "Did you wish we did somethi-?"

Overwhelmed by the embarrassment and adrenaline, you lay onto your back and use both legs to land a powerful horse kick to his gut. Sukuna grunts at the power and goes flying away onto the ground.

"GET OUT, PERVERT!!" You shriek.

Sei suddenly barges into the room, "(Y/N)!"

She inspects the situation suspiciously, seeing how red you are and Sukuna propped up on the ground.

"Sei, thank goodness! Get this pervert away from m-"

"That's not why I came," Her crystal eyes stare into yours with alarm, "The border has been breached, curses are coming quickly this way!"

Your face tightens into a scowl and all previous embarrassment disappears and is instead replaced with the utmost seriousness. Sukuna lifts himself from the ground, clutching his bruised stomach.

You gather your blades, tossing the blanket off you, and quickly follow Sei out of the house. Sukuna quietly follows. Taking a step outside, Sukuna was able to see smoke in the air and the cries of the civilians.

"So, warrior-" Sukuna starts, but Sei interrupts him.

"How many of them?" You ask Sei, watching the chaos in the distance.

Sukuna grimaces at you in confusion, do you not see them right there? There's a hoard of them!

"Enough to cover the whole village," She sighs.

"We must act quickly then." You say.

"Will you be alright?" Sei checks in on you before she runs away to lead the villagers to safety.

You stare stonily at the rustle of the trees amidst the smoke, "Just because I can't see them doesn't mean I won't kill every last one."

Sukuna perks up at this, Can't see them?

"Oho, this will be entertaining, mortal," Sukuna muses, snapping his fingers and a chair pops up out of nowhere, followed by a coconut drink with a straw appearing in his hand.

You roll your eyes at him and run into the chaos. It was complicated, as you couldn't see any of the curses so it looked like the people were running from nothing and being tackled by air, but you felt a pull in your mind.

When a curse was to your right, your head was rugged in that direction. It was annoying at times, but when you're blind to these things it's very useful.

Sukuna whistles, seeing you gracefully spins with the blades, cutting the curses cleanly and efficiently. There were moments when your eyes were closed to feel the pull better.

Sukuna leaned back and watched the entertainment before him, sipping his coconut drink. Seeing you in battle helped him understand just what you are capable of. That will be useful later on.

Loud, ground-shaking footsteps echo throughout the land, and the screams of fear dissipate into silence. Emerging from the trees is a large curse slowly making its way toward you.

[▶] ☼ 𝝖S𝝦𝝞Ɍ𝝞𝝢Ᏽ 𝝡𝝤Ɍ𝝩𝝖Ⳑ | Ryomen Sukuna ☼Where stories live. Discover now