Chapter Twenty-Seven: Equilibrium

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"We should explore the trail everyone highly recommends," I tell Amel while enjoying the refreshing Italian breeze. With the ideal weather for outdoor activity and my partner well-prepared with allergy medication, it's the perfect day for an adventure.

Last night, our villa set the stage for our nocturnal escapades as we fucked from one room to another. As the morning sun highlighted the sky's vibrant colors, we boarded a yacht and indulged in a savory breakfast. Amidst our meal, the grandeur of the sea enchanted us, its waves sparkling and dancing, adding to the picturesque scenery of the Amalfi Coast. Right now, we're unwinding on a hidden beach, our yacht prepared for departure at any time.

Both of us are wearing matching sky-blue bikinis, and as I lie on my stomach, Amel's skilled hands glide over my backside, covering me in a velvety layer of oil. With my top untied, I grant Amel the freedom to massage my mid-back with expert finesse.

Amel's smooth kneading fists, combined with the gentle waves lapping ashore, periodically lull me asleep. Each time I drift off, my lover glides their hand to my booty and brushes their fingers between my thighs. The swift, provocative gesture serves its purpose, keeping me aroused and alert.

"What do you think?" I ask. "Another hour here, then back to the villa to freshen up before a scenic hike."

"We'll see, peaches," Amel responds, squeezing my right ass cheek. The way they said it, one would assume they're mesmerized by my thickness. But I am more familiar with Amel's body language and tone than they realize.

"Are you not feeling well, my angel?"

"I'm cool," they claim, their voice deepening. "My body's finally getting some time to recoup, and now it's stuck in relaxation mode. It's been waiting for me to pause."

"Okay. We can use today as a lounge-around day instead." As I sit up and tie my bikini top, I take a moment to admire Amel. The yacht has the pleasure of attracting her gaze, her features mirroring the rugged beauty of the mountains surrounding us. I make contact with her shoulder, which feels unnaturally warm. "We could always hire someone to give us massages," I suggest, breaking the silence. "You'd like that?"

Holding her elbow, she squints at the deep blue, cloudless sky. "Nah, I know you're itching to embark on escapades and soak in the coastline's charm."

"Not if you're not feeling well." I clutch her jaw and force her to face me. "Something's wrong with you. It's painted all over your face and getting more noticeable by the second. You're also boiling hot."

Amel smirks lazily, causing her right facial muscles to lift. "I'm always boiling hot."

"Stop. I'm serious. Are you okay?"

"I. Am. Good. Ci."

"Then let's swim."

"I just moisturized every crevice of your body."

"You can return to being my horny masseuse afterward. I wanna go for a quick swim before we get back on the yacht."

"Nah, you know I don't fuck with the ocean."

"Since when? What did the ocean do to you?"

"Be big and scary." I sarcastically roll my eyes in response to the somewhat humorous answer. Her comment would be more amusing if she weren't being so irritating. Honestly, I'm not keen on swimming either. I'm subtly trying to get her to open up and admit that she's not feeling great, but getting Amel to acknowledge her health issues is like trying to wrangle a bull.

"Around five percent of the ocean has been explored," she continues to bullshit. "There could be a horse serpent demon goblin monster in it, especially in these parts."

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