The Sun Rises

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How can it be that a dream awakes you from such a deep slumber? I had read in my many books how it is believed to be nothing but warmth but how can warmth feel so cold to one such as I? Shooting up from my bed cold sweat covered my body and caused my linen dress to stick to my skin. I shivered and stood to the window opening the curtains revealing the enveloping darkness just before the sun is to rise. I looked down at the sallow below my window, the place that gave me my very name, the very name that was feared. I never quite understood the fear behind ones name but I suppose it is the people of the name that carry it. I continued to stare out at the garden of flowers that would make any other quiver. Through the silence a familiar voice, one that urged a sigh from me beckoned through whispers from behind my door.

"Esmeray, Esmeray I know you're awake I need help" The voice whispered which made me smile lightly but quickly removing it I made my way to the door.

He continued to whisper hurriedly before I cracked the door open just slightly.

"Alastair, My I didn't hear you at my door perhaps the neighbors did." I said sarcastically.

"Keep your voice down sister, now please I really need your help I've really done it now." He hissed with pleading eyes which was unusual as he usually held a bright smirk.

"Fine but you must hurry the sun will be up soon and you know how mother and father are" I sighed opening my door.

"Glorious, now you may recall that there is to be a ball here on the morrow and our dear friend, or rather my dear friend shall be arriving, yes?" He trailed on.

"Yes, get to the point brother we haven't the time for dabbling if it is much importance" I sighed yet again which recently I've been doing much of.

"Don't be so pointed, I wanted to send Dorian a joking invite that had every insult I could muster but the invitation got mixed up and was sent to Aunt Marthe" he rushed attempting to soften the blow.

My eyes widened slightly and my mouth opened hissing out rushed words"You did what? You'll be killed, I'll be killed you must be mad."

"yes ,now you must help me before anyone finds out" He pleaded though I already knew I would help him from the beginning.

I looked back at my window and lightly huffed before turning back to Alastair. This was a first even for him and I could only attempt to fully understand the situation.

"Has it been delivered to her post, if so we must wait out until later today when guests begin to arrive" I expressed.

A quick pale struck Alastair's face as he looked down for a moment before mustering his words "I haven't a clue."

"Then there's nothing to do but wait, don't be discouraged you must trust me" a said turning back to the window as the sun grazed the horizon. The same sun that melts wings yet also makes the heart glow brings the day, a day my older brother has made to already be a challenging one. As I turned back I saw his usual smirk covering his face like a Cheshire causing my eyes to roll slightly at the sight though it was good to see.

"Sister you truly are a savior, I must be going now" He grinned as he rushed out my room just as the suns rays began to brush the grass.

After being assisted and dressed by my hand maiden ,I was called to breakfast. As I approached the long table I took notice of my younger brother looking hopefully to my direction. As I approached him like every other day I saw a light smile graze his smaller face.

"Good morning Mordicai" I whispered with a slight smile, hidden to the others at the table.

"Morning sister" He grinned though quickly looked down to avoid our parents gaze.

As I settled to my seat, a late Alastair attempted to stalk into the room. He took his seat across from us as he was met with the glares he hoped to avoid.

"I see you have taken your late stature yet again Alastair, pray tell, if you have done or plan to do anything that may potentially alter the plans of this ball, I will have no other will but to give consequence" Hissed my mother through mallisiously barred teeth.

Alaistair looked slightly startled towards me but returned to the face of our mother calmly replying "Mother, I wouldn't do such a thing especially not to the likes of our name."

Mordicai gazed slightly confused but I soothed him with a slight whisper of assurance for a later time. Mother continued to gaze pointedly at my cumbersome brother but nonetheless continued to eat the food before us. My father on the later glared at nothing and no-one in particular, a usual state for him and one that was given to me though I know not if it is truly good. Many a time I was reprimanded for malicious intent toward others when I simply had rested my face though I cannot blame others much as it rests angered.

Silence followed the meal save a few glances that ended in a sharp cough from mother. Thankfully breakfast ended swiftly after father excused himself to work and mother to prepare. I began walking down the dim hall hearing the fast footsteps behind me.

"Alaistair, must you constantly be so loud?" I slightly grumbled to which he laughed.

"Have you a plan sister, I would-" He began and I quickly interrupted "Don't question me brother, Have I failed you yet?"

He smiled and walked tidily down the hall with me as I hid my smile.

Looking out of the windows in passing, the sun was now showing its early rays which danced gracefully over the garden of plants my parents held great pride in. The gloomy hallways could not quite hold the warmth of the sun correctly so servants stood pulling at the corners of curtains in an attempt to shelter the dark marble. The hustling of maids carrying about feather dusters that puffed clouds of dust and other servants carting around buckets and utensils brought a liveliness to the place, a feeling of warmth only an awaiting manor house could feel.

No sooner had The first chime of nine struck, did a loud call of an approaching carriage ring out. I glanced up to the face of my brother to see it fear stricken which made his face look crooked. I sighed out attempting to peer out of the window but to no avail I stood still at the end of the hall. Turning to my brother I found nothing but an empty hall and an open door leading to a library. Alas I was left alone to welcome our first guest.

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