Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 110

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"King Ybael!" A medic's urgent cry pierced the chaos of the battlefield, drawing Ybael's attention despite his heavily injured state.

Turning to face the approaching medic, Ybael remained motionless as the healer rushed towards him, concern etched across his features.

"Your Majesty, you must rest," the medic implored, his voice tinged with urgency. "Your right arm needs time to heal from the shattered bones. Engaging in further combat could worsen the damage, preventing full recovery."

Listening intently, Ybael's gaze shifted to the tumultuous scene before him, where Zach, the enigmatic leader of the Renaissance band, carved a path through their adversaries with unmatched skill and determination.

"What do you see in that man?" Ybael's voice was quiet, a thoughtful inquiry directed at the medic who stood beside him.

The medic hesitated for a moment before answering, "Zach? The leader of the Renaissance band?"

"Yes," Ybael affirmed, his eyes never leaving Zach's figure amidst the chaos of battle.

The medic's gaze lingered upon Zach for a moment, his expression grave as he took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say.

"Well, Your Majesty," the medic began, his voice tinged with a hint of apprehension, "from what I can see, I perceive only a creature consumed by an insatiable thirst for war and bloodshed."

Ybael regarded the medic with a solemn nod, his features betraying a sense of resignation as he absorbed the assessment.

"Is that truly all you perceive?" Ybael inquired softly, his voice carrying a weight of contemplation.

"Yes, Your Majesty," the medic affirmed, his response tinged with uncertainty.

As Ybael's gaze returned to Zach, a sense of sadness washed over him, a realization dawning upon him like a shadow in the twilight.

"It's a tragedy," Ybael murmured, his voice heavy with regret, "that I may never uncover the true intentions of that man."

"But perhaps," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper yet carrying the weight of a solemn truth, "sometimes the mystery of a man's intentions is a burden best left unlifted."

The medic regarded Ybael with a mixture of confusion and curiosity, prompting him to elaborate.

"Sometimes," Ybael explained, his tone tinged with a hint of melancholy, "it is the unknowable depths of a person's heart that remind us of the complexities of our own humanity. To unravel such mysteries may rob us of the very essence of what it means to be human – the capacity for both light and darkness, for both nobility and flaw."

Puzzled, the medic sought clarification, "What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

But Ybael offered no further explanation, his thoughts consumed by the enigma that was Zach, the leader of the Renaissance band, and the mysteries that lay hidden beneath his formidable exterior.

In the midst of chaos, an arrow suddenly found its mark, piercing both feet of the medic with agonizing accuracy. The sharp pain seared through him, wrenching a guttural cry from his lips as he collapsed to the ground, crippled by the intensity of the injury.

"Arghhh!" The medic's anguished groan echoed across the battlefield, a testament to the excruciating torment that now consumed him.

Ybael's attention snapped to the wounded medic, his expression shifting to one of concern as he rushed to his side.

"We shouldn't be here," the medic gasped through gritted teeth, his words a desperate plea for escape amidst the chaos of battle.

"Just about time you say that line," Ybael remarked, his tone carrying a hint of foreboding knowledge that sent a shiver down the medic's spine.

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