006, traditions of the blacks

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chapter six, traditions of the blacks
[ april, 1979 ]

         On the day of the Black-Lupin wedding, Sirius had cast a charm on the expanse above their heads to make the starry night sky colourful, hues of the infamous Aurora Borealis reflecting on the newlyweds. 

There were flowers everywhere for Lily was the maid-of-honour, of course. In Charis' old life, if they had approved of her marriage to a half-blood man, Narcissa would take that maid-of-honour position. However, nobody except Sirius was there from her family but that was more than enough for the girl.

Noble House of Black was enduring a difficult time; what with Andromeda's sudden departure and Bellatrix's reputation hanging by a thread due to her nasty involvement in the war, not to mention Sirius' disownment. 

Regulus is still a jerk, continuously Owl-ing Charis with insults and hateful words even though every single letter ends with, I miss you. Love, R.A.B. Dramatic arsehole.

The girls were in floral clothing, of course, various lilies decorating Charis' ink black hair. Dark red lipstick and silver jewellery glinting underneath the magical lighting.

Everybody was half-drunk; a very high Peter had a cigarette hung from the edge of his lips lazily as he stuffs his pockets with shrimps. Marlene was in charge of music although she was having a hard time with it considering Dorcas had her wrapped in between her arms, trailing kisses down her neck — thankfully, no children were present. 

"You can't smoke on your wedding day," Charis says as she approaches Remus, using her index and middle to pull away the cigarette from his lips and placing it in between her crimson lips, taking a puff herself, "that's like a rule, Mr Lupin."

"Take your own advice, Mrs Lupin," he steps closer, wrapping her arms around her waistline, "if you're high off your mind, you'll forget all about the amazing night I'm about to give you."

Charis felt flustered at his sudden burst of confidence, "Shut up," was all she says.

"So mature, Charis," he playfully rolls his eyes. 

"I can quite literally feel your lust, Remus," she teases, blowing a puff in his face which only heightened his feelings, "so much for maturity."

He pretended to scowl, "Jesus, you've no idea how much I love that you're an empath," he tells her, lips mere inches away from hers, teasing her by giving her feather-like brushes. "I promise to understand you how you do me, despite not being blessed with similar abilities."

At this point, her cheeks were probably redder than blood as she bit down on the insides of her cheeks harshly, trying to not get more and more flustered, and as always, all she muttered in embarrassment was, "shut up, you're so annoying—"

He kissed her, to shut her up, dipping her as her back arches. Fingers bathing in his hair, the other tracing the scars on his face. He kisses her as though he is kissing her for the very first time, the same desire only intensified. 

His hands gripped her hips with such intensity that he could presumably consume her right there and then. His wife. His wife, the girl he had loved and decided he needs to marry at the vivid age of fifteen. 

Charis knew if they ended up losing control and being too graphic, it would result in one of their friends separating them to taunt them. Not to mention her brother was present in the garden, probably a few meters away. 

They swayed to the music until James stole Charis away, fingers gripping her wrist because he got bored with the chocolate fountain quite quickly. 

Lily and Mary were twirling to the streams of music floating the air, and a drunk Sirius approached Remus, slurring inaudible words.

"If you dare hurting her," Sirius says, placing a hand on a scared Lupin's shoulder, it was a Black tradition to threaten the grooms that married the family's girls, "I'll cut off your dick."

"I don't think your sister would like that," Remus jokes and instantly regrets it when Sirius lunges towards him, playfully trying to tackle him to the ground. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" He defensively puts his hands up in the air.

"Sirius!" Charis shouts from afar, dancing to folk music with James who stole the bride's veil and put it atop his own head, Charis shot Sirius daggers through her eyes, "I just married him, don't kill him already!"

Remus, every time he looked at his lover that fortunate night, felt his heart dropped in absolute awe. As though he was surprised by her beauty every single time, drowning in those gorgeous pools of blue. His love-smitten grin and not-so-secret dreamy stare made Mary and Lily giggle from afar, throwing teasing comments. 

Sirius threatened plenty of people in his lifetime, importantly, he threatened Ted Tonks, Lucius Malfoy, and Rodolphus Lestrange despite claiming he hates his pretentious cousins (with the exception of Andromeda who is a sweetheart). This time, when it came to his twin sister, Sirius resorted to requests rather warnings. 

"Seriously mate, don't hurt her," Sirius says, eyes filled with concern as Remus quiets down from all the playful jokes, "she's a stubborn little shit who walks around like she's a fucking ice queen but she's soft. She gets hurt easily and tolerates it quietly, so take care of her."

"Of course." Remus nods. "I love her."

"Don't let her feel lonely," Black pleads, "don't get mad at her, promise me."

"I promise," he says before engulfing Black into a brotherly hug. As usual, the momentary seriousness vanishes as Sirius ends up tackling him to the ground this time. 

Sirius Black wouldn't trust anybody else with his little sister other than Remus Lupin. 

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