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In the morning tae was doing her morning routine fastly because she was already late. She went out of the bathroom.

Tae: You fucking lazy ass girl don't you know you are already late. She scolds herself while combing her hair.

After she is ready, she grabs her apron, stethoscope and car key she doesn't even eat her breakfast she is seated in the car and starts driving to the hospital.

After a few minutes reached the hospital she was about to open her cabin but the phone rang and she smiled and lifted the call.

Tae: Hello jinne eonni good morning.

Jin: Good morning bear i already sent your breakfast to your cabin. She said and smiled at her words and care.

Tae: You are the best.

Jin: ok ok. She laughed
I sent your breakfast with Tony.

Tae: eonni why you send him, you know that flirting guy always disturb me with his useless words. She said her annoying tone but she heard laughter.

Jin Sorry bear i really wanted to send with any nurse but they couldn't arrive sorry tae I don't have any option. She said.

Tae: it's okay eonni she is about to say further but she heard a konck and she knows who it was.

Tae: Ok eonni the shit come I will come to your cabin later. She hung the call and said come in and she saw the door open revealing Tony.

The annoying ass for Taehyung is a co-worker but her junior always tries to flirt with Taehyung.

Tony: Good morning beautiful sun-bae.

Tae: Umm morning. where is my box. She asked and Tony gave her a box and started talking not really talking but more like flirting with her and tae got annoyed with his words.

Tae: Now get out of my cabin I really don't have patience with your flirty words. Leave before I do something worse and if I see you again near me or my cabin I will rip you apart did you understand. She said coldly.  Shiver running over his spine

Tony: Y-yes s-sun-bae. He said and ran from the cabin.

She shakes her head while opening the box and starts eating but disturbed by Jimin call she lifted.

Jim: Hello tae.

Tae: Yes chim.

Jim: we have to go rounds did you forget. Tae gasped and she really forgot about it .

Tae: Oh shit jimin i really forgot about it that fucking Tony guy annoyed me in the morning I really pissed off by it you know i really got annoyed today. She said

Jim: Aishhh that guy. I think he will never come to you  again from now onwards. She laugh

Ok tae eat your breakfast and come to my cabin we will go to rounds.

Tae. Ok chim just 5 minutes. She hung the call and completed her breakfast fast and she ran to Jimin's cabin.

Jim: come on let's go, jinne already checking them.

Tae: she is really fast at everything. She smiled and left the children's ward to check them.



They completed their work and jin said to wait for Namjoon. So they waited but soon Namjoon car stopped in front of them and he stepped out from the car but not only Namjoon but Yoongi also.

Nam: Hello guys, we are staying at our mansion because we are going early in the morning. And tae bear goes to the house and picks your luggage and comes quickly to dinner together with what you say. Tae smile widely

Tae: Yes! You are the best family i love you guys ok bye I will come in 30 to 40 mins wait for me. she said.

They all: we love you too. They waved at the leaving figure and smiled.

Yoongi: she is really our happiness don't she. He said with his gummy smile.

Nam: She is. He smiled widely and they nodded their heads because yes tae is definitely their happiness. And they left for the mansion.


They sat in their chairs and waited for taehyung. Soon they heard footsteps.

Tae: Hello my lovely people. She shouted

They: Hello bear. They shouted back with a smile.

Tae: I will keep this luggage in my room and come in 2 mins. She said and they nodded. She left.

And Yes in their house they had their rooms because they visited mostly and they are the only family they had.

After a few minutes she came towards them and seated.

Tae: thank you guys let's eat.  They started eating their dinner.

Nam: Ok guys be ready at 6:00am. Don't be late ok because if we go in the morning we can rest a bit and go to the lake ok. They smiled and nodded their heads.

[NOTE: The lake is not in the forest but it is near the resort.  The lake was middle in the forest and resort]
They finished their dinner and left for their rooms.

Tae throws herself in bed and she is really excited because she loves nature and pretty things. She sleeps while in her thoughts.......

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                    ~Author (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ💜

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