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"that's a lie you never once proved your love!"



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i am a victim, a victim of this loveless relationship,

i loved her more than ever but was never repaid, she threw lies, pained my heart and never once gave me the benefit of doubt saying she's she's sorry, and she never once said it,

mother why ? mother may i ask why ?

Happy mother's day to the worst mother in the world, the one that never learned to love her own kin, happy mother's day,

Hope you loved your gift and new and improved dog like daughter azerine,


After what happened yesterday i decided to sleep at the edge of the city beach on a cliff in my car i hated it or i wished i did but he was there, almost like he was watching and i loved that,

it was the most peaceful sleep in the world and i woke up by 3 :43  and today's mother's day she's been blowing up my phone since i left texting;


where are you ?

i'm scared for your sister she's getting casts,

Do you even care ?

You hurt her bad you will apologize immediately you return home,

You are a disgrace and i wish i never had you, you're just as reckless and selfish as your  foolish and dead father, he's dead and you need to accept we're the only ones you have you bitchy crazy brat!

Reply and answer my calls this instant!

She said you hurt yourself sweetie is it my fault ? I should have told you i was getting married and should have told you when it happened,

i'm sorry i didn't tell you but you have to let it go,

i know i'm not the best but why can't you be happy with me ?

i hate you for this, let me be happy!!!!

i'm sorry i really don't mean it,

Please come back,

fine, fine leave i don't care!

you really have no place in my life, when you come back we have a lot to discuss,


the worst part is i already knew i had no place there, in her heart but hearing her say that hurt me,

i never had to become someone i'm not but hearing her ask me to everyday hurt, i'm not much i know that but can't she accept me ?

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